希望护生园是一个无施行安乐死及私人运作的流浪动物收容所,我们完全没有政府津贴也无任何集团/公司的财力资助。那希望护生园是如何维持日常开销的呢? 我们是靠大众的捐款,大众的短期赞助及售卖义卖品来维持的。不管所拯救到的流浪动物们情况或健康有多糟糕,我们都会提供他们最好的医疗护理及帮助,因此我们的开销也多是花费在庞大的医药开销及狗粮或猫饼上。 收容所在一天内所消耗的狗粮/猫饼的速度比您想象的快很多! 您的捐助能让我们的拯救行动持续下去,也能帮助我们提供最好的护理及照顾给需要帮助的流浪猫狗们,您,在赋予他们新生的过程中扮演着非常重要的角色。很不幸的,外头还有许许多多等待着救援的可怜动物们,请继续向流浪动物们伸出援手!
我们在一天内所需的食物分量以喂养收容所内的600只狗狗及40只猫咪. 狗粮 - 12包 (每包20kg) 狗罐头 - 10罐 猫饼 - 3包 (每包5kg) 猫罐头 - 3罐
如今,位于新山的宠物星球宠物店及Breeder Line 狗饼公司提供了大家一个惊人的捐赠狗饼促销!! 您可以选择在宠物星球的任何一间分店用以下两种方式来捐赠狗饼给希望护生园:
A) 以RM140.00 的价格购买一包 20kg 的 Breeder Line Classic Food 给您自己的宠物,而宠物星球即会捐赠另一包给希望护生园的狗狗们 或 B) 以RM140.00 的价格把两包 20kg 的 Breeder Line Classic Food狗粮都捐赠给希望护生园
** 更多关于宠物星球的分店位置请参考 http://www.globalpets.com.my/htm/mis/contactus.html
请考虑加入我们的长期捐赠狗粮计划,您的一个举动将拯救更多生命。 您也能选择汇款至我们的Maybank户口以便我们能自行从宠物星球购买狗饼。 汇款至: Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai. Maybank 户口号码: 5012-0808-5710
**注意了!! 我们也非常荣幸能得到位于皇后区的Pet Zone Centre 宠物之家的帮助,只需在该店购买任何牌子的狗粮再交待柜台人员是捐赠给我们的,我们就会前去领取,宠物之家参与了我们的每月捐赠狗粮计划,快前去支持这间爱心宠物店吧! No 47, Jalan Pendekar 2, Taman Ungku Tun Aminal, 81300 Skudai, Johor. 07-556 3432.
H.O.P.E. is a no-kill and a privately run animal shelter who receives no government or corporate funding. We manage to survive on some donations, sponsorships and sales of our merchandise. We believe in giving the animals that we take in the best help possible regardless of their health condition, our major expenditure is on medical aid and food for the dogs and cats that we take in. Your contribution will ensure that we have the means to continue with the quality care that these dogs and cats require and deserve, and that you will be instrumental in giving them a second chance in life. Sadly, there are many more waiting to be saved. Please help us to continue say “YES” to other animals who need our help. The food runs out faster than you can imagine at the shelter.
The amount of food that we need to feed for 600 dogs and 40 cats in a day. Dog Dry Food – 12 packs (20kg per pack) Dog Canned Food – 10 cans Cat Dry Food – 3 pack (5kg per pack) Cat Canned Food – 3 cans
Today, Global Pets in Johor Bahru and Breeder Line Dog Food Company are offering us a great deal!! There are 2 options to make food donation at Global Pets outlets: A) Buy one pack of Breeder Line Classic Food 20kg at RM140.00 for your pet, Global Pets will donate another pack to H.O.P.E. OR B) Donate both packs of Breeder Line Classic Food 20kg to H.O.P.E. at RM140.00
** More details on their location, please go to http://www.globalpets.com.my/htm/mis/contactus.html
The donated dog food will be stored at Global Pets outlets and our volunteers will arrange to collect the food items and bring them to H.O.P.E.
Consider to joining our long-term monthly dog food donation programme, you can help to save lives.
Alternatively, your may also bank in to our society Maybank Account so that we can purchase the dog food from Global Pets Outlet. To contribute: Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai. Maybank Account: 5012-0808-5710 Please email us at hopes_jb@live.com.my if you have any enquiries or if you have transferred some funds. Do provide us the transaction code to enable us to trace the transfer, issue a receipt and good record keeping.
**Attention! H.O.P.E. has been very fortunate that Pet Zone Centre at Tun Aminah had joined our monthly dog food donation programme. Donors may also donate any dog or cat food at this pet shop. Please give your support to this kind-hearted pet shop. No 47, Jalan Pendekar 2, Taman Ungku Tun Aminal, 81300 Skudai, Johor. 07-556 3432.
On behalf of the animals in H.O.P.E., we appreciate your continuing support and generosity!!!
Breeder Line Classic Food 20kg
于宠物星球各个分店都可捐赠狗饼给希望护生园内的动物们。 Donate dog foods to animals of H.O.P.E in any of Global Pets outlet.
于宠物之家捐赠狗饼/猫饼给希望护生园内的动物们。 Donate dog foods/ cat foods to animals of H.O.P.E in Pet Zone Centre.
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