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Wednesday, 22nd Jun 2011, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

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我们所要抗议的是市政局人员怎么可以在街上,在人口密集的住宅区且小孩有在现场的情况下随意开枪? 如果不幸意外射伤居民怎么办?? 这不是很危险的一件事吗?? 开枪执法人员够专业吗?? 最糟糕最让人痛恨的是他们在陈先生的小孩面前追着狗狗开枪!!

陈先生表示,他并不是要求赔偿,他是要为狗狗及他的家人要求一个合理的交代及讨回公道! 我们不能再姑息此事也不能再让目无王法的抓狗队继续对流浪动物伸出魔手! 如果陈先生没有为狗狗申请狗牌而触犯了法律,市政局人员大可警告及罚款狗主,而不是在小孩面前当街处置狗狗! 这起事件重创了陈先生儿子的幼小心灵。

希望护生园负责人也前往新山市政局欲更进一步了解抓狗队执法时的条例,他们表现异常友善,也主动聊起了这起事件,并否认了是他们的错误,表示说他们是照着1976年所立下的条例来执法,他们并无违反条例。他们甚至说是陈先生的太太允许并开门让他们进屋内把狗狗带出来的。希望护生园立即向陈先生确认是否真有此事,事实证明市政局官员睁着眼睛说瞎话! 陈太太表示根本就没有同意让他们进入,她是在狗狗第一次被射伤时迅速打开自动铁门让狗狗跑进屋内避难,在铁门还没关完剩一点空隙时抓狗队强势跑入屋内!!邻居也亲眼目睹此事并表示随时可以出来作证。

为什么他们可以如此嚣张??那是因为多少年了有许多的受害狗主对他们的控诉都不了了之,根本不会有人对付他们,这造成了他们越来越嚣张越来越目无王法!! 谁可以为受害者伸张正义?? 政府?警察?我们伟大的市议员们? 都错了,是人民。只有我们团结一致,勇敢地指证他们,控诉他们,为动物们争取应有的对待! 如果我们不坚持立场继续追究此事,接下来会有更多的动物受害,而无恶不作的抓狗队呢?相信我们,他们会继续嚣张继续把射杀动物当作是一项娱乐!!随意进入民众的家把宠物杀害!

On 20th May 2011, H.O.P.E. had accompanied Mr. Tan Sek Khang to lodged a police report against the Central Johor Bahru Municipal Council (MBJBT) workers that had shot his dog on the street and enter his house compound without their permission to dragged out the dog and killed it. Over 30 police reports had been lodged over this matter in Selangor, Penang and Johor but this is not enough. We need more people to voice out on this matter. This was happened on the 5th May 2011 at Taman Johor Jaya.

We were concerned about how could the MBJBT workers could just simply shot a dog when there's people around the area. What if they accidentally shot on people??? Isn't it dangerous?? How professional are they?? The worst thing is they even shot the dog in front of a little child that is Mr. Tan's son.

Mr. Tan said that, "he's not fighting for any compensation, he's just want a justice for his dog and for his family". We can’t just let this matter off. If Mr.Tan had violated any local council by-laws, he should been given warning or compounded instead of having MBJBT workers to shoot the dog in front of the child. This case had caused mentally disturbed to Mr. Tan's son.

H.O.P.E. person in-charged had went to MBJBT to check out on this matter. They had denied that it's their mistake and they even stated that whatever they had done is all according to Akta 1976. They did not break the rules. They even said that it was Mr.Tan’s wife who allowed them to go in to their house. In fact, they were lying. We've checked with Mr.Tan's wife and she insisted she DID NOT give them permission to enter the house. The neighbours around the area had witnessed that they had barged in to Mr.Tan house as if there’s no law in Malaysia.

The authority does not even bother to look into this matter because there's no one is being hurt or shot in this incident. If we do not insist to pursue on this matter, sooner or later they will be more and more house pets and strays will be shoot by them because they think that the public could not do anything to them. Then, it will be too late for us to voice out. What if they accidentally shoot on people??? Will they take it so lightly??? Please don’t let the similar incident happen again. We have to put a STOP to this matter as soon as possible. The MBJBT workers that had shot on Mr. Tan’s dog must be punished.

Therefore, we as a Malaysian we must be united and be brave to fight for the animal rights. If we do not pursue on this matter, more and more innocent animals will be killed by them and they can just simply barged in to people private compound to killed their beloved pets.

“To you he is just a dog, to him you are everything”. There’s still many other better ways to control the numbers of strays. Killing does not solve the problems. By spaying or neutering, it can prevent the animals from continue to breed.


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