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Saturday, 25th Jun 2011, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

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// 希望笔记由希望护生园志工队所撰写,里面记录了执行拯救任务时所面临的难题,真实情况及解决方案等。谨在此申明希望笔记言论并不代表希望护生园立场 //


能遇到Zoe 或许真的是所谓的缘分吧..因为需要办一些事情, 需要到Tampoi 工业区找一位朋友.周日的工业区比平日显得格外的宁静, 少了重型车的来来往往, 少了工厂巴士的穿梭, 难得的幽静的午后, 只看到三五成群的流浪狗在出没. 就在这时候, 发现马路中央躺着一块黑色的物体, 原以为可能是垃圾, 可是发现有几只流浪狗一直在嗅着那黑色的东西, 还不停地用脚在触碰.

停车一看, 原来是一只黑色的小狗倒卧在马路中央.当时心里很恐慌, 心里在想, 这只小狗该不会被车撞死了吧? 下车一看, 小狗还有呼吸, 前脚有一道深可见骨的伤口, 很明显这伤口以有一段日子了, 而且它还有非常严重的皮肤病, 一条毛发也没有, 皮肤全都皱在一起.这时小狗突然很吃力的爬起来, 走到一间工厂的屋檐下休息. 不停地舔舐它的伤口, 它的皮肤有好几处都破皮了, 猜想可能它为了止痒不停地摩擦马路造成的.第一时间小心翼翼的把它带上车, 在车上它一直安静地坐着, 不吵不闹.到了医院, 需要等至少半个小时才有医生, 在等待的当儿打了个电话给嘉嘉阿姨, 嘉嘉阿姨二话不说马上赶过来. 小狗一直静静坐在医院的一角落, 我看着它, 再看看另外一道门后的狗狗, 有美丽的贵宾狗, 有可爱的小黄金猎犬, 它们都有主人捧在手心细心呵护. 虽然只是一道门, 却仿佛一边是天堂, 一边是地狱. 我忍不住对着小狗说.,一样是狗为什么你就这么可怜. 流浪狗的悲歌除了得不到怜爱, 还要面对这个世界的种种威胁. 毒打, 车祸, 疾病, 捕杀, 这就是流浪狗的下场.

医生说小狗有严重的毛囊虫, 伤口也已经发炎了并且 已经严重感染细菌, 如果伤口没有好转, 就需要截肢.看见阿姨紧紧地把小狗抱在怀里, 完全不介意小狗身上近乎溃烂的皮肤病, 我们决定帮它取一个好听的名字, 叫Zoe. 希望它赶快康复可以看到它美丽的样子.临走时, 有一位女士追出来, 塞了一张50元给我们, 她说Zoe很可怜, 这50元就当做买食物给Zoe吃. 虽然只是区区的50元, 如果所有的人都有这份小小的爱心来帮助流浪狗, 流浪狗的命运不会那么悲惨.或许悲情悲惨的故事大家开始看太多, 甚至开始感到麻木, 但是请大家不要为此而停止您们的爱心. 看看它们的眼神充满了哀戚与落寞, 它们的双眸期盼着人们伸出援手帮助它们!

请帮助我们拯救Zoe, 医药费用已成为我们的另一笔负担,如您有其他能协助她的方式请电邮至hopes_jb@live.com,住在工业区的狗狗无法选择他们会在何地出生,但您,却能选择该不该让她获得更好的第二次生命。


Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
Account number: 5012-0808-5710

Strays which live in industrial areas, call construction sites or factories their “home”. The luckier ones get fed by kind workers, whereas the rest will have to live on scraps and rubbish. Fights for food and/or territory are common in order to ensure their survival.

When I was travelling near Tampoi industrial area on one weekend afternoon, I noticed a group of stray dogs surrounded a little black thing. I immediately stopped the car and alighted to take a look.

There it was, lying in the middle of the road, a little black dog. I started to get panic, is the dog dead? When I walked nearer to the dog, I found out that the dog is still breathing but she had a huge infected wound on her front leg and very severe skin disease. She looked tired and one can tell she was weak from her injury as the wound was there for a quite long period. A slow and painful death will have been awaiting her, if she was not discovered, as the wound had already got infected and might cause her to die. We could tell from her eyes that she wanted us to stop her misery. Immediately, we sent her to the vet.

While waiting for the vet, I called Aunty Jia Jia. Without hesitating, Aunty Jia Jia quickly rushed to the vet’s clinic. Aunty Jia Jia hugged the dog tightly. She did not even bothered that the dog skin disease might pass on to her. The vet discovered that the dog had severe trichocryptosis. Her wounds had started to inflame and had severe virus infection. If the wound on her leg is getting severe then her leg has to be amputate. She was named Zoe, hoping that she could recover faster and let us see her beautiful face once more.

Before leaving the vet’s clinic, a kind lady rushed out and gave us RM50 for Zoe’s medical fees. We really grateful for her helped to Zoe. With just RM50, she gave Zoe a second chance in life.

Please help us help Zoe, as her medical bills might run up to quite a hefty sum especially if surgery is required for her leg. Do write in to hopes_jb@live.com if you can help her in any way, big or small. These industrial dogs do not have a choice to where they are born in, but you have a choice as to whether to help them with a second chance in life.

This has always left us wondering why are people indifferent to the suffering of the injured animal – is it due to ignorance, or because he is just one of the many strays they see daily on the road, where no one bothers about their existence and life or death? “The street is not their home”.

To contribute:
Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
Account number: 5012-0808-5710
Thank you for your kind generosity!!

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