这位可怜的毛孩子叫做Fortune,大约两岁大,他是被佳佳阿姨发现的。三天前,佳佳阿姨发现他躲在咖啡店的厕所里,隐约看见他脸上布满了白色的小虫,血肉模糊,血正在一滴接一滴的滴在地上。经过了兽医治疗,现在的Fortune稍微好了一些。兽医还说如果在当时没人救他的话,他已经没命活下去了。 为什么为这位可怜的毛孩子取名为Fortune,那是我们希望他离幸福不远了。 但,单是医药费已让希望护生园非常之头痛。在此,佳佳阿姨希望网友们能够伸出援手救救Fortune,因为有您们,我们才能将幸福带给这位可怜的毛孩子。 如您想赞助Fortune一些医药费和他以后的生活费,请汇款至希望护生园的Maybank户口:5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai) 谢谢您们! 毛孩子Fortune的伤口很有可能是遭人虐打所遭成的!因为兽医说Fortune的左眼还是看得见的,如果是被热水烫的,左眼就很有可能再也看不见东西了。兽医还说,从第一张相片看,靠近眼睛的部分有块白白的骨,那是Fortune鼻子的骨头,而下面那部分看得见是Fortune的牙齿,外面那层肉是因为伤口发炎还有被白色小虫给蛀掉的。 目前,Fortune是度过了三天的危险期,但他还是必须住院再观察看看。 第二张相片是Fortune的全貌。Fortune眼神很温和,想必他一定是乖孩子:) 加油!Fortune!
Fortune已进行了第一次的手术,目前正在观察期中,看看是否需进行第二次的手术,但这次的手术费就已需接近RM2000块了!请帮助我们帮助Fortune,它是否能像它的名字一样,有着好运气和幸福的新生活?您也能帮助这个可怜的小生命获得第二次的重生机会,如您想赞助Fortune一些医药费和他以后的生活费,请汇款至希望护生园的Maybank户口:5012-0808-5710 (Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai) 谢谢您们!
3月4号的Fortune:今天很开心看见Fortune的左眼,兽医说Fortune的左眼还是看得见东西的:)不过,兽医也说担心Fortune的表皮长出来了以后会盖着他的左眼,到时我们必须让他进行第二次手术,把左眼的表皮拿走,让他看得见这个世上还有很多爱他的人。 可以清楚看见Fortune的伤口部分红红的,那是因为兽医刚为他清洗伤口。而红红的部分也代表了一个好现象:Fortune的新成代谢正在运行,表皮正在慢慢地长出来:) 兽医也提到说,Fortune需要大约两个月时间,伤口才有可能完全恢复,也必须住院多一个礼拜。这也表示医药费将会增加。 基本上,Fortune的胃口很好,但他也有调皮的时候。他不喜欢被关着,所以他会一直跳再用前脚勾着墙壁,希望能越过墙壁出来。哈哈:)Fortune真是一个调皮孩子。 Fortune,加油!我们每一个人都希望你康复、健康、快乐地活下去!
3月6号的Fortune: 基本上Fortune的胃口非常好,今天吃了好多哦!:) 顽皮的他一整天都在吵着医护人员要他们陪他玩 :) 我们还在等待着Fortune的新肌肉组织生长回去,长出肉后视情况而定将会进行第二次手术,利用新皮组织来覆盖整个伤口,这样子会好得比较快,但现在的伤口比之前好很多了,Fortune的左眼也越来越大了哦 :) 由于上颚和下颚并不是完整地合在一起,Fortune吃了狗饼后会有好多残余物堆积在伤口,所以医护人员一天就需清理伤口两次。看见义工们前来陪伴Fortune好高兴啊:) 但是却在我们离去时不停哭泣和嚎叫,嘿Fortune,等你康复了会有一大群的好朋友等着和你玩噢 :)
好消息!!我们的英雄Fortune已出院到达希望护生园了! 在昨天,兽医们为他进行了拉皮手术,顺利地把Fortune脸上的空隙覆盖皮肤组织了,也让他看起来好多了:) Fortune随时准备进行第三次手术,而那又会是另一笔的沉重负担,我们需要您的支助及援助..!
"大家好,我还在康复中,但是看看我的伤口,已经好很多了哦!这都是因为有您的关心,爱,帮助及善心捐款,让我能够进行手术及获得重生的机会,非常感谢您们!!目前我住在希望护生园的隔离区,虽然还不能和其他同伴们一起奔跑及玩乐,但我听得见它们欢愉的声音 :) 期待我完全康复的那一天,也期待和同伴们一起嬉笑玩乐的日子哦!" Fortune启。
每一次update Fortune的消息都很开心,看见他从那么大的伤口复原成那么小的伤口,从一脸的痛苦和伤心,到现在蹦蹦跳跳的开心模样。Fortune帮助希望护生园聚集了更多的爱护动物人士们,大家来自各个不同的地方,甚至还有外国的朋友,但大家都抱着同一个信念:让Fortune活下来。而我们真的办到了!! Fortune教会我们的事不只是勇气和坚强的信念,还有团结一致和如何去爱。希望大家能帮助希望护生园拯救更多依然流浪在外受苦的流浪动物,向外国看齐,让马来西亚也能够成为一个没有流浪动物的国家,加油!! :)
Fortune is a 2 years old boy who was found by Aunty Jia Jia in the toilet of a coffee shop. He surely would have died if Aunty Jia Jia did not saved him. Aunty Jia Jia noticed that his face was covered with full of maggots and his blood was dripping non-stop. Without hesitation Fortune was rushed to our veterinarian where he was immediately hospitalised. According to the vet, Fortune is suspected to be abused or bitten by people. The vet also explained that he has been abused for quite some time which has cause his wound so severely infected. The pain that Fortune must have endured is unimaginable. He already went thru the first surgery and it cost approximately RM2000. He is under-observation now and he might be going thru the second surgery if needed. Please consider sponsoring Fortune on his long road to recovery. For once in his lives, he can be able to enjoy freedom and feels compassion from humans. Can you give him a second chance?
04th of March: We are happy to know that the left eye of Fortune is still able to see things :) According to vet, he is worrying that the new skin of Fortune face will cover its left eyes, therefore the second surgery might be needed to cut off the skin that covered its eye. The wound of Fortune looks reddish than before, vet said that it's a good sign, as the new skin is growing back now :) It takes approximately two months of time for a full recovery, and Fortune have to stay in hospital for one more week. Basically Fortune is having a good appetite, but he is naughty sometimes as he don't like to be caged, keep jumping and jumping wishing that he could get out :) We wish you stay healthy and happy always Fortune! Be strong and get well soon...!
05th of March: Good news! Fortune's condition is now stable and considered good, waiting for the new muscle tissue to grow, he is having wound treatment on a daily basis, let's pray that he have a speedy recovery!
06th of Match: Basically Fortune has a very good appetite and he ate a lot recently! :) and he was shouting all day long today trying to get someone to accompany him..how naught he is :) We are still waiting for his new skin to grow, and second surgery might be carried out to cover the overall left face with the new skins..but now the wound looked much more better and his left eye is getting bigger :) He was so happy when the volunteers accompanied him but kept on crying and shouting when we left..:( Hey Fortune, after you've recovered you will have lots of new friends waiting for you, no worriess :)
Good news! Fortune just went thru the 2nd surgery to cover his exposed bone part with the new skins to assure a speedy recovery and to reduce the possibilities of virus infection. Isn't he look much more better compared to the look when we first discovered him? :) and he is now back to his home -- H.O.P.E! Fortune is ready to go thru the 3rd time surgery and again the medical fees is a huge burden to us..Please show your support and help!
"Hi everyone! I am on my way to recover and look at my wound, they are so much better now! :) It's all because of your help, concern, love and donations that make me able to have surgery and a better second life..Thank you!! I am staying in H.O.P.E but now i am in the quarantine ward, although i still can't play with all the friends in H.O.P.E, but i can hear their voices with joy. Looking forward for the full recovery and the moments to play with them!! :) " By Fortune.
We feel so happy when we update the latest news of Fortune everytime, seeing him recover day by day, seeing him becoming happier. Fortune helps H.O.P.E to gather lots of animal-lovers from different states, or even different countries in creating this miracle, and we did it!! Fortune is now having his second life happily! Wish that everyone can keep supporting H.O.P.E, help us to save more homeless animals, turning Malaysia into a country with no stray animals..thank you! :)
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