Sponsor Anatacia
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Please consider sponsoring Anatacia today…
My name is Anatacia and I was a street dog who lived in Chalong, and life was always hard for me. Most humans didn’t like me and I had no idea why as I had never done anything to them. They threw stones at me and shouted at me to go away, but where would I go?
The streets were “my home” and it was the only one I have ever known. There is one man who lived nearby and when he saw me he always shouted at me and threw stones to make me go away, when they hit me it really hurt. So one time when I saw him, I decided to try and talk to him to tell him to stop it. I can’t speak human language but only dog “bark” language but hoped he might understand me. What came next was such a shock to me as he took out a big knife & attacked me, the cold blade seared through my flesh. It hurt so very much. Why did he to this to me?
A man then came, and he put me in a truck with Soi Dog Foundation written on the side of it. He took me to another man who made me sleep and when I woke up he had put something in my face to close my wounds, he called them stitches. I had 12 above my eye & 5 below, but my eye was not hurt so I can still see. I now live at Soi Dog Foundation and was recently moved into the Shy Dog Run and I am so pleased I did, as I am now gaining confidence. We are all quite shy but we like the volunteers to come and sit quietly in our run. The volunteers let us come to them if we would like a cuddle and I really appreciate their kindness and on some days I even look forward to going on walks with them.
Please consider a monthly sponsorship of Anatacia or one of the many other dogs at Soi Dog’s shelter. You can start your sponsorship today at:
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=587923974582675&set=a.587923961249343.1073742214.108625789179165&type=1&relevant_count=7
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