
???????????? Sterilization Is Good For Pet


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Sterilization is good for animals: Neutering animals can help to avoid various problems caused by sexual frustration. Owners dont have to get frustrated with the pets when their pets have health issues and eventually decides to abandon them. In other words, neutering is for the best of your pets.
Besides that, the surgery helps to prevent some disease, e.g. Pyometra, ovarian cysts, STD, prostate enlargement, etc. Neutering before your pet first birthday may even help in preventing breast cancer. Sex hormones will cause anxiety, it is very common for animals to become aggressive towards people or objects (attacking people, destroying your furniture or bad temperament). Neutering them would help to overcome these sorts or behavior hence it has more pros than cons, either to the animals themselves or to the pet owners.

Common diseases found in animals especially dogs: –
1. Pyometra: it is often seen in senile bitch (more than 7 years old) that are not neutered. The symptoms could be as mild as increased drinking and urinating. The most obvious symptom of open pyometra is a discharge of pus from the vulva (in a Female) that has recently been in heat. However, symptoms of closed pyometra are less obvious and it can be easily missed. When the cervix is fully closed (closed pyometra), there is no discharge from the vulva, and like in appendicitis, the uterus may rupture and pus escapes into the abdomen, causing peritonitis and possible rapid death.
Besides, senile dogs and ill dogs are exposed to higher risks during anesthesia. The surgery itself (neutering) and postoperative care usually costs more than the normal need neutering (done when the dog is young and healthy). Therefore, if you have no intention in letting your dogs breed, you should make arrangement to neuter them ASAP.

2. Patients with endometriosis: After a bitch has been in heat, its uterus is very vulnerable to infection. Discharge from the vulva is often observed, which can be controlled with medications. However, this could lead to Pyometra, hence neutering is the permanent solution.

3. Breast tumor: breast tumors often develop in senile animals. Approx. 50% found in dogs are cancerous. Even after removal of the tumor, the chances of reoccurrences are very high. According to literature, the production of estrogen has a lot to do with the formation of this type of tumors. Therefore, neutering your dogs before they turn one is a recommended solution.

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4. Ovarian Cysts: animals tend to go into heat frequently, sometimes continuously. Some animals may experience Vaginal hyperplasia. The removal of ovaries will solve this problem before it occurs.

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5. Canine transmissible Venereal disease: majority of the disease are spread by sexual contact. The infections commonly came from mating, licking of diseased tissue could cause oral infection, through open wounds, through inhaling tissues that causes nasal infection, even contamination during surgery that causes abdominal infection animals with this often smell very bad and they are in constant severe discomfort.

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6. Prostate diseases: this disease is often found in senile male dogs. Symptoms include blood in the urine and straining to urinate and defecate. Neutering is the treatment recommended so that the androgens can be eliminated, causing the glands to atrophy naturally, preventing the disease and the development into prostate cancer.

7. False pregnancy (pseudocyesis): is a common condition in female intact dogs. Symptoms include swelling of the mammary glands, lactation, not eating, and “mothering” small objects, indicating pregnancy and looking like the litter is due anytime soon. If this occurs frequently, neutering can help solve the problem.

8. testicular cancer: Senile dogs that have Cryptorchidism and not been neutered are prone to testicular torsion and testicular cancer, so these dogs should be castracted to prevent problems later. Also, dogs with Cryptorchidism must not breed.

?????????: Ways of neutering and things to take note of: –

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1.Male animals: removal of testicles, it is called Castration

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2.Female animals: a spay procedure where both ovaries and both uterine horns and a small portion of the uterine body is removed.

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3.The right time to do it: as long as the animal has been vaccinated and healthy

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4.If you have made your decision, please contact a veterinary clinic that you trust

5.Arrange a day when you do not have to be attending to work, and please make sure that you have the time to take care of your pet post-operation.

6.The dog has to go on a 6-8 hours fasting time (no food, no water) prior to the procedure, to avoid suffocation during or after the procedure.

7.Do not try to feed the dog immediately after the surgery. The digestive system does not respond well to food and food intake immediately after the surgery may cause Symptoms of gastroenteritis

8.Heavy/serious exercise (incl. climbing up and down steps) & overfeeding right after the surgery should be avoided. It takes approx. 10-14 days for the wound to heal completely.

9.During the healing process, check frequently if there is redness, swelling or discharge. Please re-visit the veterinary immediately if you notice the above around the incision site this could mean that the incision is open.

Hence, the most effective way to prevent the worse to happen to your dog lies in your hands whether or not you are willing to spay/neuter your pet determines the wellbeing of your beloved pet. Also, to prevent the increasing number of stray cats and dogs, spaying/neutering is the most effective way and the safest way.

Source: http://hopesjb.blogspot.com/2013/09/sterilization-is-good-for-pet.html



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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