Tim Tam's Off To The Airport....!!
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Today the beautiful Tim Tam left us for the first part of her journey to Vancouver, Canada.
As you can see by the pictures staff and dog mates alike turned out to see her off.
She has been with us for 3 years, and we have all grown so very fond of her. As always at times like this, the moment is bittersweet, but we all want the very best for her as she heads off to the most amazing home where she will have plenty of love, cuddles and a soft bed to lay her head.
Do you think you could find it in your heart and your home to give an ex street dog the same chance that Tim Tam has?
If so, please contact chris@soidog.org.
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=584911021550637&set=a.584910451550694.1073742192.108625789179165&type=1&relevant_count=6
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