
Now, What Is TVHR?


Here is an article shared by Yoke Mei:


An excerpt:

Management of feral cat colonies by TVHR has not been suggested previously and may be more effective at decreasing population size because cats retain reproductive hormones and normal social behavior is maintained. Vasectomy does not alter a male cats sexual drive or social status, so cats maintain their position in the breeding hierarchy, may better prevent immigration of intruding males into the colony, compete for females as before surgery, and continue to copulate but in an unproductive fashion. Coitus initiates a prolonged, nonreceptive 45-day pseudopregnancy period in females, thereby reducing the chance of a fertile mating. After TVHR, female cats continue to attract males and compete with sexually intact females for male courting and breeding time.

It’s food for thought. You may want to check it out with your vet. And for those who are against “tampering too much with nature” (which is a common reason why some people do not support neutering), this may be an option for them!

However, when the sexual urge is not removed, hierarchical competition would still exist and there may still be fighting and injuries inflicted.

We do what we can, but it is also good to learn about better ways, if any.

Our disclaimer holds.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/09/13/now-what-is-tvhr/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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