
Connecting The Dots Your Own Way


Oftentimes, we receive emails from caregivers and rescuers who are afraid of doing what they feel is right because they fear disapproval and complaints from family, friends, neighbours and critics.

This might help:http://zenhabits.net/weirdo/

Be different, and be proud of being so!

Since there is no copyright on the article (in fact, there is an “uncopyright” on it! Thank you, Mr Babauta!), here is the whole article:

Overcoming the Social Costs of Being Different

From now on, Ill connect the dots my own way.~Bill Watterson

ByLeo Babauta

Goodness knows Ive put in my share of being different than most people. Ive had to explain myself more times than is believable, and Ive dealt with people avoiding my company because of my differentness.

And yet, despite the hassles and the isolation, I wouldnt want to give up my differentness.

Its who I am. And being like everyone else would be less authentic.

How am I different? Here are a few examples:

Iunschool my kids
Im aminimalist(and wear the same clothes over and over, have very little)
My family and I arecar-free
Recently I havent been eating eat sugar or flour or fried foods
I dont have a real job (people dont seem to understand what a bloggerdoes)
I mostlylive without goals
I dont eat fast food
Idont have debt, nor own a home (nor do I plan to anytime soon)

None of that is to brag I dont think any of those makes me any better than anyone else, nor do I think Im the first to do any of these. Theyre just a part of who I am and in fact, Im different in many less visible ways.

Im also similar to most people in many ways Ifail, I hurt, I get scared, I get angry, I am shy, Idoubt myself. I am human andimperfect.

But the differences stand out when I socialize.

The Social Costs of Being Different

My differences isolate me and make me have to explain myself and make me have less in common with other people.

For example, when I socialize:

If were eating, I always have to explain my vegan-ness. I always have to answer questions about protein, and what would happen to the animals if we didnt provide for them (before we slaughter them), andisnt soy bad for you, and so on. My veganism becomes the focus of conversation, making me feel a bit weird because I dont eat like everyone else.
If everyone else is eating fast food or desserts, I abstain. They seem to love it, but I cant agree, so Im not a part of it.
Being different means some people dont know what to talk to me about, because the normal topics dont apply to me. Its harder for them to relate.
People get defensive about my differences unschooling makes them feel like bad parents if they send/sent their kids to school, and veganism can make them try to defend their way of eating, and so on.
I get teased (usually in a good-natured way, but still) about eating rabbit food or having an empty house or cmon, wouldnt you just love some of this delicious meat (not really).
People judge me, or if they dont judge, they just see me as different.
Sometimes family members actually get mad at us for being different than them, or for being bad parents (as vegans or unschoolers).
Some people refuse to eat our food, which means they are less likely to visit.
Sometimes I just dont feel like hanging out with people who are being unhealthy or going through life not caring about what they do or who just want to get drunk or stoned. I dont think theyre bad people, but its not that fun for me.

Thats just the start of it, but you get the idea. Does any of this sound familiar to you? If youre different, do you feel social isolation from many people? You might not have the same differences as me, but maybe you see some commonalities here.

Whats a person to do? I have some strategies.

Dealing With the Social Costs

I might have painted a negative picture above, but actually there are lots of ways to deal with these challenges, and also lots of positives:

Embrace your differences. While being different can be a bit hard, its not a bad thing. Being different is who makes you who you are. It means youre daring to live your own life, on your terms, with your values. It means you have courage to stand out from the mainstream. It means youreinteresting. Hug those differences, be grateful for them, own them. Be proud of them.
See the teaching opportunity. Part of why I live my life differently is to be an example, to show that there are alternatives, that we dont have to be consumerists or buy into the system or support factory farming or be unhealthy or give our responsibility to educate our kids away (for example). And so when people have questions, as tiring as they can be, actually I am grateful for the opportunity to educate, to share, to explore interesting ground with people. I actually love talking about unschooling, for example, and while I know people have objections, I had those objections too once, and I have explored answers to them that Id love to share. It can be tiring, but it can also be a wonderful thing that someone else is curious. Curiosity is a gift.
Find company in yourself. You can be at a party, in the middle of a crowd of people who dont connect with you, and be perfectly OK. Its not necessarily lonely if you like your own company. But you also dont have to be isolated see the next item.
Be curious. If youre isolated at a party, there are ways to beat this. For example, dont think just because people are different than you that you dont have things in common. Be curious about them, and instead of thinking, They dont understand, realize that maybe you dont understand. Get to know them, see the beauty in them, find things that you love, understand why they live the way they do. Listen. Look.
Find friends who understand. The above notwithstanding, there are people who will embrace your differences, even think youre awesome because of them. They might also be vegan (for example), or they might just be very individualistic people who think your radical-ness is cool. You share stories about your lives, find them fascinating, want to hang out. And in this exploration, you meet some fascinating open-minded people you can connect with.
The nay-sayers drift. While I love my family and old friends who dont understand my differences, if they constantly attack and get angry and talk behind my back, I probably wont want to hang out with them as much. They tend to drift out of my life, because they dont really want to engage in an open discussion, and that makes it hard to have a relationship.
Turn your different-ness into an advantage. While there might be costs to being different, actually there are huge benefits too. Being different means you stand out, which is a good thing in a world where everyone is trying to blend in. It means youre interesting, because youre different. It means you are less restricted by whats comfortable, able to explore new ground, not afraid of things because you dont know about them. It means youre learning more than most people. These are huge advantages, if you use them to build a business, make friends, and live the life you want to live.

Im not going to pretend that being different is easy. But it is the only way I would live.

POSTED: 09.09.2013




Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/09/11/connecting-the-dots-your-own-way/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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