The 4 Surviving Parvo-Kittens (Norshahadah Bt Ruslis)
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From:Norshah Adah
Date: 2013/9/8
Subject: Re:
To: “” <>
Duka cita anak kucing tinggal 4 ekor yg sihat itu sahaja. Yg 4 ekor yg lemah itu semua sudah mati. Saya dah cuba yg termampu tapi masih tidak dpt menyelamatkannya. Nnt petang sikit saya emel gambar.
Parvovirus is deadly. If you are a caregiver of street animals, please consider giving your charges the basic two-vaccinations to give them some protection from various diseases.
We hope these 4 kittens will be on their way to full recovery and good health again.
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