Warna - a very very sad story indeed. She was rescued by us with her dead baby hanging to her. She had been struggling for days trying to deliver her babies and it was utterly unsuccessful. The doctor said if a homeless cat has no means to feed herself with food, it is virtually impossible for her to try and give birth. She lost all four of her litter inside of her.
Surgery was done to take her babies out from her and now we're trying to save her life. Her life is important to all of us. She is fighting for it, and we're going to do eveything we can to help through this painful emotional and physical challenge.
If you're interested to visit , adopt or help WARNA in any way, she is in HARTAMAS VETERINARY CLINIC, Desa Sri Hartmas.
Warna is very special to me, just like all the abandoned and homeless animals out there. We all have to do what we can for them. Here's what you can start by doing. If you see a stray, help neuter them. And if it's possible try and re-home them. If you know they are getting food from that area, then release them back once they've recovered from the neutering surgery.
Our personal dedication to Warna, thanks to Sheila Majid's Song WARNA.
It truly captures the essence of what we are doing as rescuers and why we need to keep on doing what we're doing.
To our Warna, we love you. Keep Fighting and don't give up girl. We're all here for you.
Warna by Sheila Majid
Lihat pada si pelangi Seribu satu dimensi Warna sari dalam sinar hidup kita Menghiasai alam ini Inspirasi dunia seni Ku syukuri cenderamata Maha Esa Dalam ku mencuba Mengejari cita Aneka warna nan menawan di jiwa Cinta teman setia Mendorong segala Terima kasih ku ucapkan padamu
Korus: Oh warna-warna Pada dunia Ku terpesona kau teristimewa Oh warna-warna Bagai bicara Menyeri hati sanubariku Ada kala nan kelabu Membuat hatiku pilu Tersenyum ku bila warna ceria tiba Berbagai cerita rupa Emosi suka dan duka Mengharungi kehidupan alam maya Warna seri pagi Mendamaikan hati Tergambar indah suasana bahagia Cinta teman setia Mendorong segala Terima kasih ku ucapkan padamu