
Spaying Sponsorship For 1 Female Cat (Maslinda Abd Talibs)


Maslinda brought one more female cat for spaying. The cat is from her neighbourhood colony. We have fully sponsored RM125 for the spaying. This sponsorship comes from all donors through our Medical Fund (RM40), Berjaya Cares (RM60) and the top-up is from Angel Inc. (RM25).

From:Maslinda AT<maslinda.at@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 2:37 PM
Subject: neutered cat pic
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

hi attached is the pic. before n after

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/08/23/spaying-sponsorship-for-1-female-cat-maslinda-abd-talibs-3/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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