
Updates On 30th Jul 2013


Valerie the Green iguana.

Valerie is one of our residents at the ACRES wildlife rescue centre. Yet another victim of the illegal wildlife trade, Valerie probably led a stressful life, being smuggled into Singapore from her native South America. She was found abandoned in a cardboard box way back in 2011.

Valerie was found in a weak condition and this resulted in her having metabolic bone disease. She wasnt active at all and her appetite was almost non-existent. ACRES then started documenting her daily food intake and supplemented with fluids to boost her health. We also improved her enclosure to increase her exposure to sunlight which is beneficial for her.

After nearly one and a half years, Valerie’s health finally started to perk up and she is now active, alert and has an awesome appetite.

1: Valerie when she was at her weakest. This was in early 2012.

2: Her new enclosure which has increased amounts of sunlight coming in with a nice place to bask.

3: Valerie having made a recovery making short work of the Hibiscus flower given to her.

4: Morning Glories are another favourite of her’s. She has put on weight now, and her skin is more hydrated now.

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151582043266523&set=a.223077136522.136042.22159071522&type=1&relevant_count=1




ACRES (Animal Concerns Research & Education Society) is a pioneering Singapore-based charity and Institution of Public Character, founded by Singaporeans in 2001 with the aim of promoting animal welfare.

ACRES has six focus areas: Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Wildlife Crime Investigation, Zoo Animal Welfare, Humane Education, Community Outreach and Promoting Cruelty-Free Living.

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