More On The Temple Dogs (from Dr Veeranoot)
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Disease seems to have afflicted the temple dogs.
From:Veeranoot Nissapatorn
Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: RM249 Re: Thong-maak and her puppy
To: Chan Kah Yein <>
Dear Sis Chan,
I like to inform that Dog No 3. was safely back to the temple last few days. Last Saturday (27-07-2013), I took Dog No 4. to the vet for spaying BUT…
Dog No 4 was heavily infested with tick, frontline was immediately applied and removed number of ticks from her body. The vet suggested to treat her with antibiotics for few more days and later spaying. Yesterday, I received a call from the vet saying that her condition is now critical with more vomiting due to parvovirus infection. This dog is under closed observation particularly for the next few days.
The vet suspected that Dog No 2 was as well infected with this virus even though the dog was shown negative on screening (it is most likely an early infection).
Furthermore, neutering these dogs are not advisable at the mean time and the remaining dogs in the temple have to be closely monitored for their conditions during these 2 weeks. If there is no more cases, then vaccination is urgently required to prevent future incidence. Also, all their containers need to be washed with disinfectant like clorox. It is very sad, isn’t it?
Attached is the neutering subsidy of Dog No 3 for your kind consideration in helping more dogs in the temple.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Sukhi Hotu!
We assured Dr Veeranoot that we will definitely subsidise the medical needs of all the temple dogs. These dogs were either abandoned at or surrendered to the temple by people. Some have the impression that a place of worship is a fairly “safe” place to surrender these dogs to, but they don’t realise that unless there are devotees like Dr Veeranoot, the temple residents may not know how to take care of these dogs except in giving them food and shelter.
From:Veeranoot Nissapatorn
Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: RM249 Re: Thong-maak and her puppy
To: Chan Kah Yein <>
Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: RM249 Re: Thong-maak and her puppy
To: Chan Kah Yein <>
Dear Sis Chan,
The vet said that she is already using this drug for treating virus in the gut, as also applied for this dog.
I also discussed with the vet on the possibility to prevent this problem of all risk dogs in the temple.
She did suggest that I need to put guardizen in dog’s foods for at least 5-7 days and observe any changes of these dogs.
She further said that there is no point to get all of them be tested for parvovirus because if the dogs are still active, then the test will always be negative. They are community dogs with so much of expose to all kind of diseases.
The above suggestion was also given to a rescuer with 40 dogs and had parvo outbreak, only 2 of their dogs died.
I will start this preventive measure by today itself and also spray disinfectant in the area where these dogs are usually be there. I do hope that these dogs will finally get through this situation.
Thank you.
Sukhi Hotu!
Bless Dr Veeranoot for taking up this initiative and doing the needful for the temple dogs. If you have experience in treating local dogs infected with parvovirus and/or tick fever in a case similar to these temple dogs (in a colony), please do share by leaving a comment on this post. Thank you.
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