
Updates On 24th Jul 2013


Melt your heart with these 3 kittens!

Rarity, a playful girl that loves running around. Aslan, an adventurous but slightly blur boy that has a good appetite. Pinkie Pie, a girl with sweet heart that loves playing with colorful toys.

Do you have some TLC to offer to these adorable felines? Check out their PetFinder.my profiles now for more info:

Rarity: http://www.petfinder.my/pets/46573

Aslan: http://www.petfinder.my/pets/46575

Pinkie Pie: http://www.petfinder.my/pets/46574

More cute cats available at rescuer’s profile:


Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=573448686034092&set=a.284953574883606.68330.284850241560606&type=1&relevant_count=1




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