
Its Meatless Monday Again!


I’m reeling from the thought of Sonny and Lek-Lek being still missing and that some workers around Imm’s Shelter eat dogs. I hope and pray Sonny & Lek-Lek can be found soon.

I know how the mere thought of people eating dogs (or cats) sends shivers down our spine. But we must remember that eating dogs and cats is no different from eating chickens, pigs, goats, cows, rabbit, fish, etc. All animals have feelings and consciousness; they are sentient. They can feel pain and experience fear.

Why should one be a beloved pet and the other, dinner?

A rescuer shared with me his experience. He knows of a factory where the workers eat dog. He says that at night, he would hear the dogs crying and wailing when the workers start the slaughtering.

Well, all animals cry and wail when they know they will be slaughtered, folks. Not only dogs and cats. All animals.

Something I received:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200951884979916(Warning: Very gory. I did not watch.)

As Paul McCartney rightly and aptly says: If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.

Challenge a meat-eater to visit a slaughterhouse: 9 out of 10 will refuse to go. The one who does go, survives the experience and comes out still wanting to eat meat either has a heart made of stone or is so numb to suffering, nothing affects him anymore. It’s like those brutal serial killers; nothing affects them anymore, they are numb to suffering.

So, we come back to the question of why one should be a beloved pet and the other, dinner?

For any right-thinking human, no matter how one argues, one knows, deep down, that no argument justifies this.

The person who condemns others for eating dog (or cat) ought to also check himself for eating chicken.

Hence, we promote going meatless (at least) once a week.It isn’t so hard, folks, it’s a matter of willingness borne out of understanding and compassion.

On this matter, I was asking a friend to vote on the colour for our “Go meatless once a week” tshirt. He is a super meat-eater, the type who simply loves meat and cannot go without it in a single meal. He voted for the colour orange because he said it was a good message and so the colour should be a bright and happy one. Then, I asked him if he would wear it, knowing what a meat-lover he is. He said “Yes, definitely”. And why? Because he supports the message, he knows it’s a good thing to do (going meatless), it’s good for the environment, it’s good for our health, it is good for the animals. Yes, it is all good. So he supports the message and WANTS to help us promote it. And who knows, he might even try going meatless once a week after that!

So, when our Meatless tshirt comes out, folks, support us by wearing it, please. Don’t just think of it for short-term gains. That message goes a very, very long way. Myopically, yes, it’s asking people to go meatless just once a week. Looking further, it’s promoting kindness to animals, something that everyone can do because everyone needs to eat and everyone has a choice. You don’t have to get your hands dirty in looking after a stray dog or cat, just decide what you wish to eat for one meal, spare an animal’s life and you’re already doing a very kind deed.

Meat eaters eat, on average, 11,047 animals in their lifetime. We can halve that number. Quarter it? Maybe one day, even zero it, who knows?





For those who voted for cobalt blue, don’t give up yet, because the supplier does NOT have the army green or cobalt blue dyes. They are doing colour matching in their lab to see which colour they can produce. Of course, to be fair, army green gets priority since it received the highest votes. We also have to negotiate with the supplier to see if they are willing to dye a batch of 280 tshirts just for us. Normally, for suppliers, they will only dye a new colour if a volume is there (to make it cost effective). For example, we got the navy blue because we “shared” the bales of cloth with another client who also wanted that same colour.

So, as for the colour of Meatless, we haven’t confirmed it yet. It all depends on a few factors. Even white is not readily available, as fully combed cotton isn’t that popular anymore these days. There is a new material which is part polyester; it is more popular because it is cheaper and the shape does not run. But we still prefer fully combed cotton, of course.

And, on our side, we have also assigned Mr Zurik and his KGB Shrew-Squad to raid their barracks for the army green dye, but er…they haven’t got back to us on that yet.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/07/22/its-meatless-monday-again-2/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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