
Of Dogs, Adoptions, Encouragement, Etc. (a Sharing By Lester Hiew)


Lester’s email says it all. I am personally very amazed at his adoption rate, but I know it is sheer hard work. Congratulations on the wonderful work that you and your mum do, Lester! We also thank Mr Kok Khee Wee and all donors for supporting Lester and Jenny’s work.

In the hands and hearts of loving adopters, these puppies have a great life ahead of them!

From: Lester Hiew
Date: Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:59 PM
Subject: Of dogs, adoptions, and encouragement.
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

good evening miss,
my mother and i would like to thank you miss for sharing the puppies and dogs adoption links.
thank you for the opportunity AnimalCare has provided us with to cure puppies like mange puppies, Klang Jaya puppies, factory puppies, and many more.
they are all healthy and well now and best part is, majority of them found good homes with their new owners!
as of 21st July 2013 (sunday)..
(ref 1) 3 out of 3 mange puppies (ALL!)
(ref 3) out of 2 factory puppies (ALL!)
(ref 2) 6 out of 7 klang jaya puppies (because we are nursing the remaining one)
(ref 4) and 3 out 6 water puppies (1 of them will be adopted tomorrow, monday).
it really has been a tiring back-to-back adoptions with so many puppies appearing this 2-3 weeks really. arranging appointments, driving here and there, keeping up with appointment times, and etc.
it is worth it as many puppies now have a good home.
at the same time, i would like to thank everyone else who has helped my mother and i directly and indirectly in our rescue work. something as simple as sharing the links on Facebook has helped us a lot. we truly appreciate this.
we also would like to thank Mr. Kok for his continuous support in our work which has really helped us to help more needy strays.
thank you very much all for your kind and generous help.
so miss, i present to you adoption updates as of this Sunday. (:
3 out of 3 mange puppies have been adopted. though i deleted the pictures, mother and i went to one of the adopters and manage to take new pictures of Blackie (the black puppy).

we found forever homes for 6 out of 7 puppies from Klang Jaya.

one has not been adopted yet because he is being treated at home for the lump on his belly.
we also found forever homes for this 2 strong girls!
we handed this 2 girls to his daughter who will then transport the dogs to Malacca to take care Uncle Jimmy’s (her father) fruit farm.
Uncle Jimmy was nice enough to invite us to his fruit farm to enjoy durians if by any chance we go to Malacca.
as for the 6 water puppies, 3 of them has been adopted already!
thank you very much Dr Chan, AnimalCare, Mr. Kok, all donors and everyone else,
Lester Hiew

Source: https://www.facebook.com/lesterhth.adoglife/posts/545187022208103 (published below with permission)

it is almost time to sum up the adoptions.
back to back adoptions for the past 2-3 weeks is really, really tiring.
but.. it is VERY much worth it because 1 less stray outside suffering and in exchange, 1 more dog able to find a great home.
isn’t this more than enough? (:

here, i would like to thank the chance to express my sincere gratitude, personally.
thank you mummy for being so strong (heck, even stronger than me) as you continuously cook for the dogs we feed every night and also follow me around during adoptions.
thank you dad for, slowly but surely, supporting your family’s rescue work.
thank you Tracy (my girlfriend) who is always understanding and supportive of my work which sometimes can be really hard because of my absence and my continuous need to check my emails and stay with my phone.
thank you Dr Chan and AnimalCare for the subsidies you provide us with because without it, it will be much, much, harder to save this amount of men’s best friends.
thank you Mr. Kok K. W. for supporting our rescue work, to be able to save more dogs.
thank you Jamie koko and Bee Bee (mother’s cousin) for supporting us in times of need as well.
thank you to all the NGOs/persons who allow me to post/share my adoption links in their Facebook pages.
thank you my friends who have been supporting me from as simple as sharing my adoption links to encouraging words.
thank you people, for choosing to adopt over buying because you know what? YOU are saving lives!

last but not least, thank you all the dogs out there for being dogs, ever so loyal and faithful.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/07/21/of-dogs-adoptions-encouragement-etc-a-sharing-by-lester-hiew/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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