Medical Subsidy For 2 Male Cats (Veronica Ong May Yoongs)
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We have subsidised RM40 for these two cases. This subsidy comes from all donors through our Medical Fund (RM20) and Berjaya Cares (RM20).
From:Veronica Ong<>
Date: Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 2:32 PM
Subject: Requesting for Medical & Neutering Subsidy
To: Chan Kah Yein <>
Dear Dr Chan,
I noticed that both Tabby and Sunshine (community cats) have fighting wounds on their faces especially so in Tabby who has a swollen face and is in pain. He is being bullied daily by an alpha male cat that roams around the neighbourhood.
I hope to capture them and bring both to the Vet for medical treatment asap.
FYI, there are 5 more new additional to the colony and 3 of them are about 5 to 6 months (siblings of Tabby and Sunshine) that I would also like to capture for neutering purposes. 3 females and a male, named them Bella, Bell, Tommy and Tilly.
Therefore I would like to seek your approval for the above .
FYI also, the black and white mother has recently given birth to 4 kittens, 3 are already dead (I think she starved them to death) and one was rescued by me when it fell into a drain one night about 3 weeks ago. I think it’s about 5 week old.
My girl and mother-in-law is currently helping me to care for her while I am at work.
Was not successful in capturing both mother cats on your recommended method (they are just too smart for me) so I’ve decided to put them on the pills instead. Fingers crossed!
We have advised Veronica that if she means birth control pills, we have been told that it is unsafe to be used on animals.
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