Updates On 16th Jul 2013
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We’re working with an extraordinary rescuer in Serbia. This is a land where wolves are regularly hunted. Surviving pups are “raised” by hunters who save them for future hunts. But not this time…
The wolf you see here has just been rescued by Dejan, our hero on the ground in Serbia. In fact, this is one of 6 wolves rescued in recent days by Dejan who lives very, very modestly trying to find enough food for the wolves and for the 160 dogs who have found unconditional love at his shelter.
The Harmony Fund is now researching plans for a large wolf sanctuary here, and if all goes well, the wolves will have a protected natural habitat to roam in soon. We can just imagine those first moments when these animals walk free from their cages and into the sunlight woods.
We could really, really use some help with donations for food and veterinary care. TO GIVE A LITTLE BIT OF LOVE TONIGHT, please follow the link here http://www.youcaring.com/nonprofits/food-medicine-for-wolves-and-dogs-in-serbia/72690
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=594515317238451&set=a.135131043176883.16781.109342202422434&type=1&relevant_count=1
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