
Roger's Tail Was Bleeding


Roger was found bleeding from his tail last week and had to be brought in to Dr Lee’s clinic. We were informed by Dr Lee that the bleeding could have been caused by Roger biting at his own tail to relief some severe itchiness he was going through. 
In order to prevent further infection, his tail had to be amputated…..on the flip side, we do think he looks younger and sexier now with a rounded stub for a tail (check out the last photo :)

Roger’s tail was bleeding non-stop

Mrs Lai and Pauline had to send Grandpa Roger to Dr Lee’s

Recovering post surgery

Source: http://www.pawsmission.com/2013/07/rogers-tail-was-bleeding.html



Second Chance

Second Chance is a group of like-minded animal lovers who met through the Internet when they read of Aunty Kiew's plight.

They do their very best to render help whenever time permits and within their limited capacities. They hope to find good homes for as many homeless animals as possible. Currently, there are 100+ animals rescued and fostered by this group.

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