Updates On 25th Jun 2013
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Neuter Your Dog, Prevent Pyometra!
This poor dog was brought in by her distraught owner. The dog was unneutered, but her owner had managed to prevent her from mating and getting pregnant for 6 years. The SPCA Vets did a check-up and found it was a severe case of pyometra (infection of uterus, gradually filled with pus), which is common in unspayed female dogs.
Though SPCA Vets do not offer services to members of the public, they made an exception this time as the owner could not afford to have the surgery done at a private vet and the dog was very ill. After fasting the dog, they conducted a surgery to remove the uterus, which was badly infected and full of pus.
Thankfully the dog is recovering well, but let this be a lesson to all dog owners to have their pet dogs neutered to prevent this from happening to their beloved pets!
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151782651781209&set=a.10150154860181209.330123.44640111208&type=1&relevant_count=1
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