Updates On Cherry Berry (Siti Azura Juihs)
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Siti Azura flew down from Kota Samarahan to KL for a work-related function and one of our readers brought Azura to her vet to get Cherry Berry a second opinion.
Here are the updates:
From:CT Azura
Date: Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 7:04 PM
Subject: Update on Cherry Berry
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>
Dear Dr Chan,
It’s been quite a while I didn’t keep in touch and update about Cherry Berry. Last Thursday, I managed to consult the vet in KL about Cherry Berry. I presented two Cherry’s reports from two vets and her photos. After studying the case, the vet has come with these advise:
1. Further treatment in KL might be costly and not good for Cherry as it would distress her more.
2. To remove the growth is possible but it may not 100% cure the cancer. It will just give a little comfort for her but the process to recover from surgery might be challenging as it involves mouth which is delicate. Prior to that, Cherry will have to go through a few protocols before surgery can be performed. Stress will make her weak.
3. To continue with what I have been doing now and provide life for Cherry as comfortable as I can. The vet also told me that the second vet that attended her case knows what best for Cherry because his knowledge is current about veterinary world (he was her ex classmate and top student) It is good to continue treatment with him.
Based on that, I opted the third one because she also had the same opinion with her ex classmate ( the vet) about what Cherry has been going through. For Cherry, I will continue giving my best to keep her as comfortable as I can.
After a month on TF, there is no reduction of the growth size. I brought her again to the same clinic today for follow up ( but the vet who attended her case was not on duty), her weight has reduced from 2.7kg to 2.6kg. She looked thinner and dehydrated. The vet told me that the growth has broken at one or two spots and blood comes out of it. She bleeds when she eats or paws her mouth.The vet just gave Cherry antibiotics and mouth solution only. She told me there is nothing else she can do for Cherry. She advised me to keep her happy and comfortable for as long as she still wants to eat. But when there’s time I have to syringe feed her, it means that I have to let go. The vet said that to me.
Dr Chan, I will not give up on her for as long as I live. I have been witnessing a few furry friends life gone to rainbow bridge before my eyes and it will not deter me from doing my best with all my might to go through every phase of life with her. As life goes on, I will cherish every moment with her and bear with her till the end of time. I am convinced to continue the treatment and TF for Cherry. I believed that her immune system now has increased and started to fight the disease. Hope for a miracle and never stop praying that God will restore her to good health. Here is her photos which was taken last week. Cherry is now roaming at my neighborhood and I am sure she is pampering and relaxing herself at her fav spot (a hole in culvert).
Another news to share, I met Ongsan twice at the vet clinic. I am sure that God wants to tell me that Cherry will also continue to recover like him. Happy to meet Ongsan and his kind fosterer. Attached a photo of him.
Thank you so much Dr Chan and those readers who care for Cherry. I will continue update about Cherry Berry.
Warmest regards, azura
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/06/09/updates-on-cherry-berry-siti-azura-juihs-2/
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