Visiting Guthriephant, Raisin And Billie
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We were in Selayang to purchase dogfood yesterday, so we dropped in to visit Andy Lew and Emily. If you remember, they adopted Baloo and Baggy from me and gave both a wonderfully happy life. Though it was short (due to congenital disease; Baggy had FeLV), but it was happy.
Baloo and Baggy were Andy and Emily’s first adoption of rescued cats and that spurred them on to do more. They adopted Guthrie from the highway too, and later, three alley kittens, Raisin, Peaches and Billie, from mother-cat Brenda, who was spayed and returned (as Brenda simply had to go back to the alley and wasn’t happy being confined, even after one month!).
Peaches and Billie were adopted, but Billie’s adopter recently returned her because the adopter realised she didn’t have the time to look after Billie. It’s good that the adopter returned her when she could not cope. Billie was very well looked-after; she slept on the bed and was much loved.
And recently, another cat from the alley made her way into the office.
Andy had always emailed me about Guthrie, now affectionately known as “Guthriephant”.
Yesterday, we got to see the famous Guthriephant!
Emily with Guthrie aka Guthriephant!
Is she a “phant” or not, you tell me!
Yes, she certainly joins the ranks of the “phants”!
And her coat is so beautiful, we think she should be the cover girl for Monge!
Recently, this cat made her way into the first-floor office from the alley!
Apparently, she climbed all the way up the flight of stairs and entered through an airwell. It must be either the lure of catfood or kindness. I’m sure it is both!
Andy and Emily got her spayed about a week ago and was deciding whether to adopt her or return her to the colony. From their experience with Brenda, some cats are not happy being confined. Yes, that is true. But Andy and Emily are more than happy to let her stay if she decides to.
This is Raisin. He is the only boy from Brenda’s litter and he is so timid, he doesn’t dare go out of the room! Oh my gosh, can Raisin please rub off some of this onto my brood of Indy, Tabs, etc.? Mine are dying to get out of their space. Raisin is also getting to be a “phant”!
This is Billie, the returned cat. She is SO beautiful. White everywhere except the tail, which is Calico. Andy and Emily were concerned that when Billie came back, she looked thin. Actually, from what we could see, Billie isn’t thin at all. She’s just perfect. It’s Guthrie and Raisin who are…”phant-sized”!
The moment Billie came back, Guthrie and Raisin accepted her cordially.
Hey, what about me? Why am I outside?
The three are very happy together.
Guthrie uses this litter box as a scratching pad.
It looks like Andy and Emily will be adopting this cat (no name yet) as she seems to like staying indoors. With a huge office to roam about, air-conditioning, etc., who wouldn’t? She will join the rest after vaccination.
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