Catfood Subsidy For Maslina Omars Cats In Chini, Pahang
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Do you remember Maslina Omar? She is the rescuer of Obot, the cat with sporotrichosis and pyometra who is now doing well. We subsidised RM1000 for Obot’s treatment.
Maslina looks after many cats in Chini. Her sick cats are brought to Kuantan to seek medical treatment from the vet there as there are no nearer vets. According to Maslina, the trip to Kuantan is 2 hours by road.
Recently, Maslina sought for catfood help.
From:mas omar
Date: 2013/5/25
Subject: Kucing Jalanan
To: “” <>
I had earlier spoken to one of the vets in Kuantan whose clinic Maslina frequents and the vet verified that Maslina is a true-blue genuine cat-rescuer who really cares for the cats. We were also told that Maslina had plans to build a small sanctuary on a piece of Felda land for the cats. We enquired further about this and Maslina emailed the approval from the authorities for that piece of land to be used to build her cat sanctuary.
Maslina had also earlier written to say that she prefers to buy quality food (Royal Canin) for her cats so that they are given better nutrition. We do appreciate that she wants to do the best for her cats, but we have informed her that for super premium brands, we can only subsidise 50%.
As our response to Maslina’s appeal above, we assured her that we will continue to fund the medical needs of her cats (as per our policy) and have advised her to get as many as possible of her cats neutered. Maslina is totally aware of the urgency to get her cats neutered, but is hindered by the travelling (2 hours to Kuantan). Perhaps when PAWS’ mobile clinic is ready and functional, we could apply to PAWS to help out.
We (or our friends) normally make a visit to all applicants of our Food Fund, so sometime last week, our friends, Nurul and Din, paid a visit to Maslina in Chini.
These are the photos taken by Nurul and Din:
Maslina lets the cats out in the daytime and only confines them at night.
As for Maslina’s first food subsidy claim, we have subsidised RM353 for it and this includes 50% for the purchase of IAMS Chicken (15kg), Hairball (7kg) and Kitten (10kg) and 100% for Blackwood (6kg). This subsidy comes from our Food Fund.
From: mas omar
Date: 2013/6/4
Subject: Terima kasih
To: “” <>
Dr Chan,
Ini merupakan kali kedua saya mendapat pertolongan daripada Dr.
Tiada apa yang dapat saya berikan selain daripada ucapan Terima Kasih tidak terhingga.
Keprihatinan, kesabaran dan kesungguhan anda semua amat menyentuh hati saya..
Terima kasih atas segala-galanyanya Dr Chan.
Doakan agar saya mampu menjadi sehebat anda semua. Memberi tanpa pernah meminta..
Terpaksa berhadapan dengan pelbagai kerenah manusia tanpa jemu.
Apabila pembinaan selesai kelak saya akan cuba menggantikan wang yang telah saya perolehi ini..
Sekali lagi, doakan saya berjaya.
Kami mendoakan agar Maslina berjaya di dalam segala usaha yang dilakukan untuk kucing-kucing Maslina.
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