Updates On The Tanjung Malim Dogs (from Wazura Saruni)
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From:Wazura Saruni<wazura_saruni@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, May 29, 2013 at 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: Abandoned dogs in Tanjung Malim
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>
Hi Dr. Chan,
I received update from Maxx this evening but due to no internet access, I only managed to see his update tonight and at the same time, update you..
Below is the update which I received from Maxx:
Hi Wazura! My mother went to check on the property and dogs yesterday. She told me there is an indian woman living in the house. She asked her whether she feeds the dogs and she said yes. Also there is a big bucket of water in the yard. My mother did say that the dogs do look skinny. Don’t think they are getting enough food but at least they are getting fed and water. So it isn’t and abandoned and empty house after all. Sorry to say that I don’t have faith in SPCA in Malaysia as well the one here in Australia when it comes down to animals welfare. They are suppose to be there for the animals but sadly in most cases they aren’t. Anyway, don’t think we can do much for those doggies since they have an owner and getting food and water. I will ask my mother to check on them from time to time. Thank you for your concern and your kindness towards these dogs. Cheers.
It’s really sad if the Indian woman really staying there but did not provide enough food to the dogs..
Any advice from you after seeing this update? should we continue to observe or report it to the authority for negligence?
may God bless you and your family..
First, many thanks to Maxx, his mother and his family for looking into this case. We tend to agree with Maxx’ views that there isn’t much we can do except to monitor from a distance, and if I might add, throw in food if we feel the dogs aren’t getting enough. Reporting the case isn’t going to go down well for the dogs because once the authorities move in, the dogs may be confiscated (and we know what happens then).
Thank you, Wazura, for highlighting this case. And thank you, everyone, who has helped.
Let’s pray that the caregiver will take good care of the dogs now.
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/05/30/updates-on-the-tanjung-malim-dogs-from-wazura-saruni/
AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.
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