Work Continues On Additional Rescue Shelters At Burriram
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Work Continues On Additional Rescue Shelters At Burriram
Many thanks to Soi Dog Supporters who have donated towards building shelters at Burriram where dogs rescued from the illegal dog meat trade will be sheltered. More funds are still needed so please consider donating today at:
The first of 10 proposed shelters each to house 500 dogs is nearing completion and work has started on a second shelter. Soi Dog has authorized the department of livestock to commence construction of the 2nd shelter though more funds still must be raised to pay for it.
Please consider donating today at: so that more dogs can be saved!
Each shelter will cost approx. $34,000 and funds are urgently needed to pay for them.
Dr. Burin who oversees the DLDs program for caring for the dogs has agreed with Soi Dogs recommendation that all dogs be kept at Burriram as it is by far the most suitable location and also allows for best utilization of limited resources such as vets.
Nakhon Phanom to the NE will still act as an initial receiving and treatment point as it is closest to where interceptions of smugglers typically occurs.
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