
Learning From Those Who Are Doing TNR



It’s been a long day today, of searching for reports, materials, facts and figures that will help in presenting our case to the local council and the authorities.

I was very fortunate that the Singapore Cat Welfare Society (CWS) has shared an abundance of very valuable and useful materials and information on their quest to get the people and their authorities to support TNR.

It hasn’t been easy for them, just as it would not be easy for us too. I’ve been asking for 3 years now, and it is still a “no”. But I am not giving up.

Here is what the President of CWS tells me:

One thing we found that turned the tide in Singapore is the formidable network of caregivers all around Spore so the govt knows it is not a small group of people doing TNRM but a big army out there. To build this network means not doing it with just core volunteers but to give subsidies for anyone who wants to do it.

So yes, we ARE giving subsidies to all who qualify, but do we have a big army out there?

If we do, how are we going to convince and assure the authorities that we (the big army out there) will do the TNRM or CNRM. We are not asking the authorities to even fund the project. We are only going to ask them to stop catching and killing, that’s all. We will provide the funds for neutering but we need YOU to form the “big army out there” who will do the hands-on catching and sending the animals for neutering (and ensuring that the animals are ear-notched, please).

Will you do it?

As I have said right from the start, we need a BIGGER voice, please.

We need a BIG ARMY out there!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/05/28/learning-from-those-who-are-doing-tnr/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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