Top News Of Today Ongsan Has Hope Of Recovery!! (Maslinda Abd Talibs)
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Updates at 3.30pm:
Just received wonderful news on Ongsan. This morning, Maslinda brought Ongsan for a 3rd opinion, to a vet recommended by one of our readers (who has requested anonymity). The appointment was arranged by this reader (thank you so much!).
Maslinda sent a text after the visit:
(The reader) insisted on paying for today’s consultation and treatment. I don’t know how much it is. This vet is very good. She said Ongsan has good chance, not very bad actually. And Ongsan is also active and eating well. (The reader) bought Natural Balance for Ongsan, Sporonox and also bedding.
Will write more later. Have to bring another kitten to the vet.
The kind reader also updated us:
Dear Dr. Chan,
I’m sure you heard the good news that Ongsan isonthe road to wellness and hopefully speedy recovery.
He has flu, dehydrated and has a growth in his nose but not in his lungsand jaundiceisnot too bad (possibilityof flea’s infected blood parasite that contributed to his jaundice condition). Liver conditionis not too serious.
Noteven sure if it is sporotrichosisuntil he is well enough to do a blood smear; not to stress him any further as he in quite in a weak condition.He looks hungry and need to put on weight. Despiteall this he is a very sweet and lovely boyand sure sign of a survivorand a fighter like his name.
I’m sure Mas will give you the full details (Dr Chris gave her a whole list of instructions how to care and what to feed and supplement him)and she tooksnaps of him too.I am so relieved and Mas is so rightly so not to give up on him. He is really in very good hands.
The moral of this experience:
1. In seemingly “hopeless” cases, please seek a second opinion. Or, even a third or fourth. Seek out vets who do not easily give up on difficult case or those who are not quick to recommend euthanasia. In the case of Ongsan, two vets recommended euthanasia.
2. Never give up!!
Will update more when Maslinda sends the photos.
Just so happy that there is hope for Ongsan when all seemed so bleak after the poor prognosis given by the first two vets.
Thank you, everyone, for praying for Ongsan. Please keep sending positive wishes to Ongsan and he will live up to his “strong” Burmese surname (tweaked from Aung San!).
We thank Maslinda for her kindness and the perseverance not to give up on Ongsan. We also thank our reader so very much for all her help and also for sponsoring today’s treatment and medication.
Isn’t it simply wonderful when we work together, each doing all that we can? So much more can be achieved for the animals this way!
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