
The Best News Ever Sunshine And Max Are Adopted!!


Gosh, I don’t know where to begin! For those of you who have been following Sunshine’s story since November 2011 when she was rescued paralysed and given no hope, would know how wonderful this news is! For for those of you who have been following Max’s story, yes, sweet lovable Max Lightyear, would also celebrate this wonderful adoption news!

For those new to this blog, please do a wordsearch on “Sunshine” and “Max” if you would like a recap on their incredible journey; Sunshine from paralysis to being absolutely normal, and Max, from inverted rear paws, tick fever to being a happy doggie today (despite his “special” condition).

It has been in my prayers that Sunshine and Max will find loving homes and now what a bonus and a miracle that both are going to the same home.

And I must say, it is to the best possible home, as far as we know!


Yes, Lydia who has seen them through all the ups and downs, especially in the initial months, have finally decided to adopt Sunshine and Max!!

Since June 2012 when Sunshine overcame all her medical problems, we have been giving a RM50 per month food subsidy for Sunshine’s needs since she is our last sponsored animal. Hence, a total of RM600 has been given to Sunshine from our Food Fund (from all of you) from June 2012 until May 2013. Sunshine’s medical treatment and needs in the initial months from Nov 2011 until May 2012 were also fully sponsored from our Medical Fund. But the love and dedicated care given by Lydia, not only in the physical but also nutritional and psychological needs – we will never be able to quantify nor repay. For this, we express our heartfelt and deepest appreciation and gratitude.

As for Max, we sponsored his initial medical needs until he was fit enough to return to Ipoh (to Kelly), but later, Lydia agreed to take over to rehabilitate him further and this was an arrangement between Lydia and Kelly. Kelly has also been informed now that Lydia will be adopting Max.

All’s well that ends superbly well!

We cannot thank Lydia enough for all she has done for Sunshine and Max. We (AnimalCare) has already decided last year that Sunshine would be our last sponsored animal as I honestly do not have the advantage of youth (!) to ensure that we can continue sponsoring other animals for life. Now, with the adoption of Sunshine, our only remaining sponsored animals are 4 dogs, namely, Russell, Sweetie, Jackie and Doby and all four are with Meiji. Meiji agreed that our monthly food sponsorship for them be included in the food subsidy that she gets from us for all her dogs and we shall keep doing that for as long as AnimalCare exists.

And since we are on this subject, I also wish to inform all donors that should and when the day comes when AnimalCare is no longer in operation, all remaining funds will be channeled to other animal charities and Meiji’s dogs are included in the list.

Now, here’s the great news from Lydia:

From:Lydia Tellesson
Date: Fri, May 10, 2013 at 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: RM50 for Sunshine (May 2013)
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Thank you for the Rm600 (food subsidy and allowance) received for Sunshine since June last year.
We have given it a lot of thought and have decided to adopt Sunshine and also Max. Sunshine has been with us for quite awhile and she seems so much a part of our pack and family. We have had some challenges with her as she has a close bond with me stemming from our earlier days when she needed intensive nursing. This bond has resulted in some level of competition and insecurity on her part with some other dogs who were fostered by me and come regularly to visit us. We’re working hard on this and hope thatwe will be able to help herdeal betterwith this issue.
Max has been going through quite a tough time since he came to usashe was showing worrying lower than normal blood test levels despite on-going treatment and almost regularly once a fortnightly visit to the clinic for his blood test check and monitoring. He also continued going for weekly acupucture and I’m glad to be able to tell you that Dr Susanna has “discharged” him from acupucnture and pronounced that he is doing really well andno longer requires acupuncture treatment. His last blood test results a week ago finally showed normal readings as we are so reliefed.
Max continues to go for his twice weekly swimming therapy to keep his hind legs strong and able. He will always use them in a straightened fashioned but nothing stops him with his healthy level of energy, strength and mobility. He can easily get up steps and even climb over the seats in the car!! This is one little guy,not so little now actually, who enjoys life and brings a smile to his furry and human friends as he loves to socialise.
He is constantly by our paralysed recoveree dog Hopie’s side as her constant companion and stll sleeps next to her each night except that since he has grown so much, the bed has now be exoanded to a double bed
If any of the other dogs rush by Hopie and accidentally push her, Max will always be on the lookout and rush to her side and growl a warning at the others.
When Ido the regular three times a day expressing of the bladder of our special needs cat Momo, Max will quickly position himself next to us and keep us company. I never taught him to do that butI notice how he makes himself such a good companion and often comes to see what I’m doing and will sit beside me and just watch. He does this with my parents to and it makes him so endearing to watch him sit by their side while they are occupied.
Max needs the regular excersie and swimming to ensure that he stays strong and mobile through his growing months and we are happy to take this journey with him and live it with him. He is such a ray of joy for all of us each day. Sunshine and him are excellent friends and play tirelessly.
Thank you for your commitment for Sunshine all this time. We lost one of ourdearly loved pack members earlier this yearand this has made space for us to add Max and Sunshine to our family.
Best regards,
We wanted to give Sunshine an “adoption gift”, but Lydia has graciously declined it.
From:Lydia Tellesson
Date: Fri, May 10, 2013 at 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: RM50 for Sunshine (May 2013)
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Yes I have told Kelly
Please we are grateful already for the shared responsibility for Sunshine so far and really there is no need for any more token gesture. she is all the “reward” we wish for, pls keep any token you had in mind for another needy case.
We shall respect Lydia’s wishes and again, thank her profusely for all she has done.
Now, for the photos….enjoy!

Sunshine and Max!


Max and best pal, Momo (a special needs cat).

Me and my toy.

Sitting at the steps.
(I think this is Lydia’s mum, visiting from Singapore)

Rolly polly me!

With my friend.

Swimming therapy.

With my swimming pal.

That’s mine! Give it to me!!

Chilling out on a double bed.

I still sit funny, but I’m okay with it.

Grooming Hopie.
(Max has been wonderful therapy for Hopie, Lydia’s first paralysed dog in Malaysia).

And the best for last: Here’s………Sunshine!!

We wish Sunshine and Max a wonderful, healthy and happy life with Lydia and her furry family!

Thank you, Lydia, for everything you have done for Sunshine and Max!

And thank you, everyone, for your prayers, well wishes and contributions for both of them.


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/05/10/the-best-news-ever-sunshine-and-max-are-adopted/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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