Carrying On No Matter What, Part 1 (all Is Not Lost)
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In my entire life, this was the first time that I attended ceramahs and dialogues because as much as I preferred to stay away from politics, enough is really enough, and I wanted to make that difference this time round. We have suffered enough and I don’t want our younger generation to suffer the same.
And although our dreams were shattered last night, all is not lost.
Now that the dust has settled, we begin to rejoice in our small victories. In our constituency, the candidates of our choice won. Not only did they win, but they won BIG. Huge! It’s all about people power, folks. The urban-dwellers have the advantage of education and “awakening”; we know what we want.
This was an urban-tsunami and the PR has won more seats in parliament. We should rejoice in this.
For the next five years now, the political parties would have to reach the rural folks and bring the awakening to them. The political parties would have to demand a cleaner electoral process and this includes looking into the delineation of constituencies (malapportionment andgerrymandering), a malpractice put in place decades ago by the powers-that-be to ensure absolute control. Without correcting this malpractice, the change that we wish to see will be delayed again in 2018. The political parties will have to work on this and we can only support them.
Meanwhile, life goes on for us ordinary folks. For the animal caregivers, the election results probably did not impact too badly on us since our voice has never been heard before this and we also did not place too much hope of being heard no matter who the government of the day is. Yes, we HOPE for more compassionate leaders, but how often will we be able to find a leader who would put the needs of the animals on par with those of the humans?
We need to be realistic here and we need to know that we are a small minority. Yet, the animals only have us. However small our voice, they depend on us to look after their needs. The animals have no say, no vote; they only have us.
We must remember this and continue taking good care of them.
Looks inwards and carry on doing what is good and right:
Nobody can take away this right away from us.
Below, I share with you, the views of a reader who shares our passion in looking after animals. She has requested anonymity.
Really zombielike this morning. Unlikethe people of S’gor we still have to go to work today despite having no sleep and dragging the tons of bricks on backs since we did not get what we most wanted -a change of establishment.
What keeps drumming in my head …..when we were up all night discussing on how all this is going toimpact all of us. Hubby ismaking mental notes on what to brief his bosses locally and overseas on how this all going to impact their investments here – strangely but itis the voice of Cesar Milan that was in my head.. he was telling the a group brothers in the monastery … who had got a very expensive German Shepard but cannot train it to follow command..even after many recitals of prayers to St Francis of Asisi(the patron saint of animals)..Cesar merely said to the brothers…God only give us what we need, NOT what we want..simply means the Universe only give us what we need but not what we want..
It dawned on me – all is not loss. Here wegot what we needa hard working incumbent who pledge to be loyal to us and be answerable to our needs- in fact he won a substantial majority compared to a tiny 100++ the last time with the other frogMP.We did not attend ceramah ortalks here (non were organised here) – we were so sure of what we need a down-to-earth no airs representative – we had made up our minds for a very long time – way before nomination day. We rejoice in getting the outcome we need.
Yes, you are right we in the animal welfare world is the minority. We over here could brings all the issues of sufferings of street/strays animals to him our MP butthe truth is there is nothing much he can do. It is not his jurisdiction – as our councils and all councils in this country comes under the federal government of whichunder the preview of the King.Councils operate and were established in the same manner of the police and the army under the King(that is why councilemployees have so much power and has the right to carry arms).
What our MP can do is carry out programs to facilitate animal welfarein term of educating the people under his/hers constituencies to be responsible, useful and mindful citizens and human beings. In this sense, Dr Chan, your role as an educator asrole model to kindness and compassion to animals is very, very important. Lead by example and people will follow. As we are the minority we must pick and chooseour battlesin order to win this war of good over evilwhereanimalsare concerned.
Where animal welfareis concern nothing is going to change – we here still have to race against the council to protectstreet/strays animals. Still we have theheaviness in our hearts and minds when we were feeding a street animals – we feel it is going to be their last meal – we will never seen them again.. and the look they gave us when we bade our leave is so heartbreaking especially when we cannot take them home with us or send them to a safe place..this no matter what government, is not going to change for now. As long new elected government still elect imbeciles evils and the likes of him to take care of animal welfare.
The one thing thatwe are very happy is the the defeat of the 2 mightiest in two places – these two are causing a lot disharmonyfor us here and as the whole of our societyand the evildoings towards dogs here in our areas and distributingof’evil’ leaflets.It shows that the people rejects extremity,fanatics, racistand bigots. One winner MP is an intellectual outward islamist and if you have a chance do have a chat with him on issue on animal welfare and kindness towards animals especially dogs.We are so relieved that he has won with a convincing majority.
This election is the choosingof voting of who tovote for is ‘who is the candidate is’ not ‘what the party is’ for the majority when they cast their votes especially in the non urban areas.
The failingof PR to win is because thehesitations of the 3 parties to name their PM definitely – honestly not all malays want to be ruled under hudud law as if its implemented bythe islamist party (as this is always been their agenda and always will beespecially if their current spiritual leader NA is no longeraround).Mostmalays are worried as they again will be greatly impacted by implementation of hudud rule and again be suppressed under no freedom of choice. It is not about race or privileges but about freedom of choice.
Kudos to you your familyand people of Selangor foryour choices. Things are not as bad as they seems …once the clouds have moved..there will be sunlightagain.. We must go on .. keep our eyes and minds and our goals that one day this nation will be kind and compassionate towards animals and all its beings.
Congratulations again. Take care.
Kind regards.
P.S. We still cannot get the whole results of Selangor elections – Did Wong Chen win?
YES, Mr Wong Chen won with a 28,827 majority and yes, I will speak with him on the issue of animal welfare when he gives me the time to meet up.
We ask you to do the same. Speak to your elected representative, no matter which side of the political divide he/she is from. Ask for better treatment for the street animals.
We need a bigger voice for them.
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