Reaching Out To The Youths At The BGF Youth Connection
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When I am not teaching maths and not handling AnimalCare matters, I will be out giving public talks, usually to the Buddhist community simply because they invite me to address them.
This morning, I was privileged to address the BGF (Buddhist Gem Fellowship) Youth Connection, a workshop comprising more than 50 youths, aged 18 to 30 (college students and young professionals). It was held at Sunway University.
My public talks are always centred on living a spiritual and simpler life and although the topic may not be about kindness to animals per se, in whatever topic I am given, when one speaks about the spiritual path, the topic of compassion always comes up and that’s when kindness to animals will always be addressed, one way or another.
In today’s talk, we discussed the topic of euthanasia,vegetarianism and animal testing amongst many other topics that the youths were interested in.
I always find it extremely rewarding addressing youths because they are willing to listen, they have plenty of questions and they are willing to learn and change. They are impressionable and it is our duty to share good values with them. It may sound rhetorical, but it is absolutely true that they are our future and we depend on them to give our children’s children a brighter future. That is why I will never pass up a chance to address this age group.
Today, I engaged with bright, young, intelligent and inquiring minds.
I am deeply honoured and I thank the organising committee for giving me this privilege for this very meaningful and enriching engagement.
I had the opportunity to distribute 7 titles of my books. It was nice to know that some of them had already read some of my books and they told me how much the contents had touched them and in turn, recommended the books to their friends.
With one of the facilitators.
Daniel Ngan and the organising committee.
They did a marvelous job.
One for the album.
It is said that all it takes is one word or one sentence to strike a chord in someone’s heart, if spoken at the right time and right place. I hope I have done that today and I hope that will make a positive difference in the lives of the participants today.
Our youths, our future.
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