
Megan Has Been Rescued


Megan is healing well. She still needs daily cleansing and medication on her wound but other than that, she is doing real great…thanks to the attentive care of her fosterer.

This is Megan. Joanne spotted her with a huge maggots wound on her neck just few days back and because she was heading to work then, she is unable to jump to the rescued. She contacted a few rescuers and luckily Mdm. Lee Kean responded to her immediately.

However, it was not until yesterday that the dog was located. When Mdm Lee Kean found her, she saw a few people throwing stones at this poor girl. How could humans be so cruel? Nevermind that they did not send this girl to a vet to be treated, but WHY do they need to be so cruel? She was not even a threat to them!

Fortunately, she is now being treated at Venice Vet and but still seemingly weak. Nevertheless, she is in safe hands.

Megan was put on drips this morning but by afternoon, the drips has been removed. Vet also found her to have ticks fever. Let’s wish her a good rest for now and we will continue to keep you all updated with her status.

Note: Thank you to Joanne, Mdm. Lee Kean and Dr. Vincent.

Megan’s wounds need to be attended daily to ensure that it stays clean. Her condition is reportedly stable with good appetite.

Vet estimate that she will need at least 3 weeks to be fully recovered and her weekly estimate inclusive of daily bandage and medication are approximately RM300/week.

For those who is willing to donate and help to fund for the dog’s medical fee, please donate to the following account:

Account Name: Penang Animal Welfare Society
Bank: Maybank
Account No: 5071 4333 3153

After you have make your donations, please leave a comment here or send us an email at saveourstrays2012@gmail.com to inform us that the donation is for “Megan’s Fund”. Thank you in advance for helping us to continue helping the strays in need.

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=244405535700676&set=a.232644046876825.1073741858.135167933291104&type=1



SPCA Seberang Perai

The SPCA Seberang Perai is a society registered in September 2005. Our primary aim is to reduce the population of stray animals or possibly a zero stray population in a humane manner. With lesser strays or no strays at all, the loving value of animals will be greatly increased and you can be sure that humans will shower more love for their pets and be responsible pet owners. The problem should not only be shouldered by our Society as the public must also understand the urgent need to control the pet population and give their whole-hearted support to all our projects for the undertaking to be successful. Then we will achieve a clean and hygienic environment for the community. As a no killing organization, we are embarking on a two-prong approach towards the problem i.e public education and sterilization of the stray animals.

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