
Obot, Sporo-Cat From Chini, Pahang (Maslina Omars)



Maslina Omar is applying for our subsidy to help reimburse her hefty bill in treating Obot, a rescued sporo-cat. The background of the case is in the link above.

Here are our further correspondence with Maslinda:

From:mas omar
Date: 2013/4/25
Subject: pertanyaan
To: “chankahyein@gmail.com” <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dr Chan,
Untuk pengetahuan, pada mulanya saya tidak tahu adanya persatuan yang membantu kucing terbiar sehingga diberitahu oleh seorang kawan.. oleh itu saya tidak ada gambar kucing sebelum rawatan.. apa yang boleh saya katakan, keadaan mukanya bengkak di kedua belah pipi, satu daripada bengkak telah pecah, kaki dan kepala semuanya ada kudis yang merah.. dan yang teruk adalah di bahagian ekor.. sehingga sekarang bahagian ekor masih ada luka sedikit tetapi sudah kering .. untuk keadaan lebih lanjut, mungkin dr boleh mendapatkan maklumbalas daripada doktor haiwan (phone number provided) -kucingini dibernamaOBOT dan (name of assistant provided) yang menguruskan kesini)kelak…
saya tidak tahu adakah saya masih layak mendapatkan subsidi..kini kucing itu saya jaga walaupun tidak pandai dan sedikit takut, keadaannya 95 peratus telah sihat..saya tidak tahu samaada benar atau tidak, tetapidr yang merawat kucing ini memberitahu, walaupun telah sembuh dari luka, kucing ini masih memerlukan ubat hinggalah kawasan yang dijangkiti tumbuh bulu semula dan selepas keadaan sembuh saya dikehendaki datang semula kesana lagi untuk pembedahan bahagian ovarinya yang rosak..saya sertakan gambar keadaan terkini kucing ini..kawasan muka 100% sudah baik cuma di bahagian ekor masih ada sedikit luka, dan bahagian tangan dan kaki masih ada kesan yang tidak ditumbuhi bulu..
sekiranya dr merasakan masih ada harapan untuk saya mendapatkan bantuan, saya akan mengirimkan resit asal dan borang permohonankepada dr secepat mungkin.. bantuan yang diterima sedikit atau banyak amat bermakna kepada saya untuk digunakan pada pembedahan akan datang..terima kasih di atas perhatian yang diberi..

From:mas omar
Date: 2013/4/25
Subject: Re: pertanyaan
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dr Chan,
maaf saya tidak dapat membalas email dr secepatnya.. di kawasan saya luar bandar…internet kurang pantas dan saya menguruskan sendiri kedai.. jika dr perlukan maklumat cepat, dr bolehsms saya di (hp provided).
keadaan obot sekarang amat baik… .. saya hanya mengambil ubat obot setiap 2 minggu..esok saya ke klinik lagi,ubatnya sudah tinggal2 biji ,.
dia tidak beranak.. semasa membawa obot ke jawhari pada mulanya , obot ada pendarahan dan setelah melakukan x ray dr pertama memberitahu ovarinya rosak dan dan dia tidak boleh beranak dandia tidak boleh melakukan pembedahan pada masa itu kerana menurut beliau, sekiranya ada pembedahan dilakukan, tempat luka kucing akan dijangkiti bakteria..
oleh itu dia menasihatkan saya untuk merawat dahulu kucing ini sehingga sembuh kemudia baru membuang ovarinya…
Esok saya akan poskan resitnya menggunakan pos ekspress..
terima kasih di atas tindakan pantas dr… saya amat berterima kasih..


As Maslina could not provide photos of the cat before treatment was done, we needed more information about Obot, the condition before treatment and also what treatment had been done.

So, this afternoon, I called the clinic and had the good fortune of being able to speaking with the vet who attended to Obot. The vet was extremely helpful and was able to shed more light on this case.

According to the vet, Obot was brought in and diagnosed with sporotriochosis after blood staining was done. Obot only weighed 3.0kg at the time (was very thin). The sporo spots were mostly on the tail and several other parts of the body. An ultrasound was also done to determine if Obot was pregnant and it turned out to be negative. Obot was hospitalised since the clinic has a special ward and special nurse to take care of sporo cases.

After about a week, Obot’s weight increased to 3.6kg, which was very encouraging. Another ultrasound was done and it was this ultrasound which revealed that Obot had pyometra. (As such, Maslina’s initial email which said Obot was pregnant could be due to her being mistaken). It was pyometra and not pregnancy:http://www.vcahospitals.com/main/pet-health-information/article/animal-health/pyometra-in-cats/330.

Pyometra, as we well know, is a very serious condition and life-threatening. However, according to the vet, due to Obot’s sporotrichosis, they were worried that she might not heal (the surgical wound might be heal properly) from a major surgery to remove the pyometra and this might prove to be extremely risky. The vet also said they have seen cases where cats with pyometra can survive up to 2-3 months if surgery needs to be delayed. Hence, based on the vet’s best judgment, surgery was not recommended for Obot until she recovers from sporotrichosis.

Obot responded very well to the sporo treatment (Sporonox dosage: 10mg/kg) and was hospitalised from 22nd March until 18th April 2013. As for the pyometra, there is still some discharge.

Maslina has discharged Obot and is nursing her at home.

I asked if there are plans for the pyometra surgery. The vet said they will advise Maslina and it is also highly dependent on Obot’s condition and her rate of recovery from the sporotrichosis.

The vet confirmed that Maslina has already settled the bill (paid weekly) and Maslina rescues and takes care of many, many cats in Chini.

The bills exceeds RM1300 and we have pledged our maximum subsidy of RM500 as per our policy and upon receiving the form and original receipt from Maslina. The vet confirmed that the bill is high due to the treatment and especially the hospitalisation. Although we do not subsidise boarding in most cases unless it is hospitalisation, we will consider a partial subsidy when it involves sporotrichosis and zoonotic diseases as hospitalisation may be necessary due to the nature of the disease.

If you would like to further donate towards Obot’s bill, kindly write to chankahyein@gmail.com.


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/04/25/obot-sporo-cat-from-chini-pahang-maslina-omars/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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