
Promoting CNRM In The Neighbourhood (a Sharing By Koo)


Koo has been keeping in touch with us on his efforts to promote TNR (or CNRM) over in his neighbourhood in TTDI. We have already arranged for a vet to give a discounted rate for this purpose and during Ohana’s World Stray weekend, Koo collected books from us (for free distribution).

Here are some updates:

From:TTDI Koo
Date: Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: Books for distribution
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Hi Dr Chan,

Thank you very much for providing me with a pack of your two books
entitled ‘Here For a Reason’ and ‘See You at Rainbow Bridge’.

In the Residents’ Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) for my area
that was held last Sunday, I set up a table to promote my cat TNRM
(Trap-Neuter-Release/Rehome-Manage) program and distribute your books.
I also created a leaflet to briefly explain the background, the
purpose and the steps to implement TNRM which was also distributed. I
think I only photostated 20 copies because my expectations were
rock-bottom but all were taken!

I managed to make contact with other cat lovers in my residential
areas who were very interested to join the cat TNRM program. As
expected, I’ve also met with animal-hating residents who just wanted
to get rid of the strays and after a brief discussion, I’ve passed
your books to them in the hope that they will change their mind after
reading your books. One of them even returned the book after going
through it.

Anyway, I considered yesterday as a successful first step to
establishing an informal group which will eventually implement TNRM
for cats in my area.

Thanks and best regards,


Koo’s wife manning the booth and distributing the books.

It is DEFINITELY a success! Kudos to Koo and his wife for initiating this in his neighbourhood. It is a big step towards better welfare for the neighbourhood cats.

Koo says that it is importantto seek outlike-minded residents in one’s own area to form a group to make TNRMwork on a large scale in any neighbourhood. Yes, we totally agree.

We can never convince everyone to participate in CNRM and we also will not be able to win over the thoughts of the non-sympathisers. That’s the way it is, but to be able to successfully convince even ONE human to do it whole-heartedly is already a windfall. If we can get a group, no matter how small, it is a joyful bonus! In my previous neighbourhood, we managed to get a group of 3 ladies to do CNRM for the cats around their area.

Little by little is the water jug filled.

We rejoice with Koo and his wife on their wonderful effort. It is not only a one-day affair. It has taken months to plan this. And finally, it is taking off.

Next step: To see residents taking the cats for neutering. We are ever ready to offer our subsidy to them.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/04/24/promoting-cnrm-in-the-neighbourhood-a-sharing-by-koo/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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