Medical Subsidy For Parvo Puppy (now RIP) (Lester Hiew Thiam Hocks)
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We have given our maximum medical subsidy of RM500 for this parvo puppy’s treatment. The puppy was rescued by Lester Hiew Thiam Hock and his mother, Jenny Khong. Unfortunately, despite all efforts and treatment given (which includes blood transfusion, IV-drip and medication), the puppy succumbed to the disease after 8 days. The total bill was RM1275.00. We have verified this case with the vet.
May the puppy be in a better existence now.
We had earlier already subsidised the female puppy’s treatment: The two puppies are siblings.
From:Lester Hiew
Date: Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 5:15 PM
Subject: Application for A Puppy With Parvo Virus Treatment Subsidy.
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