
May Kitty Orange Rest In Peace (a Sharing By Siti Azura Juih)


Azura wrote to me last week regarding medical subsidy for this kitten she rescued from her neighbourhood. We informed her that we will definitely subsidise the case and to go ahead and do everything possible to save the kitten’s life. Azura did. The kitten was treated, subsequently discharged but shortly after, passed away.

As Azura says, Kitty Orange may have only had a short life, but the last leg of her journey was showered with love and care by Azura. Kitty Orange may even have been someone’s pet previously. But what matters is that Azura did what was needed and compassionate.

Azura has decided not to claim any subsidy for Kitty Orange but to instead let the funds be used for other furry friends in loving memory of Kitty Orange who fought a brave battle.

We express our deepest condolences to Azura for her loss and we understand how intense the experience is, though it may be short – when you rescue an animal in need and you do everything possible to save his/her life, the experience will stay with you forever. Whatever the outcome may be, though we always wish it would be positive, that experience will enrich our lives. We grieve when our rescued animal does not make it through, but we take comfort in knowing that we provided love and care for her when she needed it most and ultimately, that is all that matters. That is all we can do. But rest assured that it does make a difference. A big and significant difference. Let such sad experiences never deter us from carrying on our efforts at saving lives. Street animals will always need our help. The work is endless so we must never stop.

May Azura’s story inspire us all to take care of all animals in need for they truly need all the love and care we can provide.

From:Ct Azura
Date: Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 11:06 PM
Subject: application for medical subsidy
To: Dr Chan <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Dr Chan.
I am Azura from Kota Samarahan Sarawak. I would like to apply for medical subsidy for this kitten which is now under ICU at the vet’s in Satok. When I visited her this evening, she is still very weak. The condition is 50-50 chances to survive.
This kitten was found by my kampung neighbour . She texted my sister asking for helping this kitten. Our kampung neighbour is just a housewife. however I have to be honest with you that this kitten might belong to one of my other kpg neighbour who is living next door. This neighbour likes to pick strays but forget to take care of their welfare. To me, her intention is always good to save strays but most of rescued strays are not taken care. There are many malnutrition n sick unneutered cats I noticed. They are a few sick ones that I did manage to save and neutered and gave them home by myself (they didn’t even bother the cats went missing). Very hard to do this alone emotionally and financially.
Therefore, In this case, I do not know whether this kitten is entitled for animalcare medical subsidy or not. This kitten is very weak and cannot stand at all. I attached her latest pictures at the clinic. She has been dripped and dewormed. I hope that she is getting better.
I do understand terms n conditions of your organisation. you have every right to reject my application if it is not fulfilled the subsidy criteria. I respect your decision.
Tq Doc.
Siti Azura Juih
Saving lives is always a priority. And Kitty Orange is a rescued kitten, so Azura can definitely apply for a subsidy and we definitely want to help.
Date: Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 8:54 AM
Subject: RE: application for medical subsidy
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Dr chan,

Apologize for a late reply.

The neighbor told me the kitty has been in such paralyzed state for about four days and presented to my sister just yesterday morning. The kitty doesnt eat and defecate for that long as my sister was told. At the moment, her chances to survive is 50-50. The vet told me that the kitty has been only dewormed and dripped only. The vet said she might suffer hypoglycemic (not sure about the term) as well due to not eating and worms. I can only get her latest condition around 10 am.

Tq doc chan. Tq so much.

We told Azura to ask the vet to please do everything possible to save the Kitty Orange’s life.
Date: Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 8:39 AM
Subject: RE: application for medical subsidy
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Dr chan,

The rescued kitty orange has passed to rainbow bridge on 21 march 2013 at 945pm at nite. Orange was discharged on 20 march in the evening. He was in good condition except the nerves system. He seemed like suffering cerebellar palsy syndrome.

He was doing well a few hours before his passing. However, God has taken him to heaven just to give him an another good life up there. Rest in peace. Though his life was short tired, I was at least feeling content to have a opportunity giving him love and care and warm loving home.

Thank you Dr Chan for always being there for those rescued animals whenever we are in need. I will always remember that.

For your record, I shall not claim the medical cost for this baby. He surely would be happy to spare it for the rest of needful living furry friends.

I attached his photo when he was at home. Tq very much doc.

Kota samarahan, sarawak

Rest in peace and may you be in a better place now, Kitty Orange.

To Azura: Thank you for doing everything possible to save Kitty Orange’s life. May you be blessed for your kindness.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/03/25/may-kitty-orange-rest-in-peace-a-sharing-by-siti-azura-juih/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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