The Wild And The Naked
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I remember a show called “The Young and the Restless” and another called “The Bold and the Beautiful”.
May I present….”The Wild and the Naked”….
Two days ago, I had his tshirt taken off…after 2 weeks of being clothed to prevent him from biting his wound.
Where are my clothes??
A funny thing happened after I removed this tshirt.
Indy started behaving….like an animal!
He became wild.
Yes, wild and naked.
Yesterday, I had a long day at work, and my son said Indy banged his body repeatedly on the grille and fluffed up his body. Either he was mad that I was late OR he was angry that the patio cats had come into the house.
Indy was furious and fiery, and the rest of the cats FLED. Yes, including Cow and Bunny. Everyone fled and ran out to the back garden while our masked hero kept banging his entire body angrily at the grille.
With his best friend and confidante, Tiger.
I figured the only way to curb this “animalistic” (no offence to any animal) behaviour would be to…
…put his tshirt back on.
And yes, we had civil behaviour again.
Seriously, folks. I’m not kidding!
Updates: Two readers have just introduced me to Thundershirts:
(Our disclaimer holds.)
And talking about thunder, a reader reminded me of my children’s childhood cartoon series (I loved it too, Goliath and all!)….The Thundercats:
Thunder, thundershirts and thundercats aside, we think Indy wants to wear a tshirt just to feel important!
I will slowly orientate him back to his (naked) natural cat state!!
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