Sponsor Or Adopt Today!
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You can make a difference by Sponsoring a Soi Dog today. It is very easy and you can help to provide food, health care and shelter to one of the many dogs in need for only $0,80 cents a day!Be a hero!…Sponsor you own Soi Dog today!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXAQofsAa5U&feature=share&list=PLB86F8C516E8EB382
For cents a day you can get unconditional love from many wonderful dogs available at Soi Dog. Please visit http://soidog.org/en/sponsor-a-dog-or-cat/
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXAQofsAa5U&feature=share&list=PLB86F8C516E8EB382
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