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Updates From Imm�s Shelter


If you stay in Ipoh and/or you would like to help Imm’s Shelter, please contact Judy Chua directly at her email below:

From:�Judy Chua�<chuajl@myjaring.net>
Date: Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 1:00 AM
Subject: Happenings Jan 2013 : Volunteers & Visitors

An auspicious new year
January 2013 was truly special & auspicious for our furry friends.� They made new friends (our young volunteers and new visitors – Alice and her husband ) and renewed friendships (with Soo Har and Ping who have visited before).

Young voluneers
Sixth formers animal lovers from St Michael’s Instituition, Ipoh came in to help on Sundays and on one of the public holidays.� Kerry & Pritpal were the first to visit the shelter on 6th Jan.after getting my contact no. from Dr Kah Yein.� They came in again the next Sunday 13 Jan. On 24th Jan, they brought 3 of their classmates – Hui Man, Siao Li and Sook Yan.� On 27th Jan, Pritpal & Hui Man came along with Hui Man’s older sister, Hui Chi. The dogs and cats were delighted to receive the enthusiastic and loving attention from all the young volunteers. Apart from forging friendship with the furry residents, the volunteers also helped in bathing the dogs and giving the kennels and shelter a good clean-up and scrub. Kerry also helped set up a facebook blog for the shelter ->�https://www.facebook.com/ImmsShelter

Hui Chi’s visit was remarkable. When she came into the cattery with her sister and was introduced to me, she said she was more a dog person and was unsure with cats.� I told her that’s perfectly ok and she can be with the dogs.� To� my surprise, she came into the cattery later and made friends with the cats ..from someone who was unsure with cats, she was totally in the moment and was very at ease with them, so too the cats with her …. see pix below.



Soo Har and Ping from Australia who were back in Ipoh to visit family, also made a point to visit our furry friends.� Both� have caring hearts for animals.� Soo Har helps with the rescue of injured wildlife for a voluntary group in NSW where she resides. Whenever she visits our furry friends, she will roll up her sleeves to give the dogs a good bath. They appreciate her tender touch.

Like Soo Har, Ping also has a soft heart for abandoned dogs and strays.� The seed of kindness, compassion & generosity towards stray dogs was sown by her mom. Growing up Ping had seen her mom feeding the many strays that come by their home daily. She was touched by her mom’s compassionate acts of kindness.� We are touched by hers.� Bless her mom.

My cousin, Alice, from Melbourne in Ipoh for a visit, asked if she could come to the shelter with me.� When she saw our furry friends, she enthused “My children would love to be here!”.�� Alice helped in cleaning the cattery and played with the cats.� She also took many pictures of our furry friends, including Imm and I, to show her family in Australia.� She also said she will ask her husband, an avid photographer, to visit the shelter when he’s next in Ipoh.� He did drop by in early Feb and took some amazing shots of the cats and dogs. � I will share the pix taken at a later date.



Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/02/15/updates-from-imms-shelter-4/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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