Caught Starry This Morning (for Neutering)!
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It was quite easy, actually. He came, he ate and I carried him and put him into the cage.
That’s about it. No big issue. Definitely nothing like Quack’s capture!
It all started this morning when the Patio-4 was waiting for their breakfast.
These days, Mr G has been coming back. I suspect Mr G doesn’t like Starry and Willy Orange. So he took it upon himself to shoo them away. With Mr G back, Timmy feels threatened as Mr G doesn’t like him either.
I felt I had to intervene because:
A. Mr G has a home. He lives in the house at the back and he is a pet.
B. Timmy has no home. He used to live in the blue dustbins in a nomadic fashion at the playground. Poor Timmy, right?
Ever since I started feeding Timmy, got him neutered, he would stay at the patio and not go anywhere else. Unlike Rosie and Ginger, Timmy has no other home. (Rosie and Ginger frequent some other homes, I suspect, as sometimes they would disappear for hours before coming back for food).
Daffodil used to hang out in that other house, but the occupants have moved away now (I suspect Starry and Willy were left behind by them, though I cannot be sure).
Anyway, between Mr G and Timmy, Mr G has to go home so that Timmy can come back to eat. After all, the Patio-4 gets along very well and everyone was happy before Mr G came back.
And I must also confess, Timmy reminds me of Bosco. He is so much like Bosco in his looks except for the colours. Timmy appeared in front of my gate, right in the middle of the road two days after Bosco passed on. Just two days. Timmy was meowing nonstop that morning, right in the middle of the road. I thought he was asking for help, but we now know Timmy was a very noisy cat (not so noisy after being neutered now!).
Anyway, this morning, a big fight broke out between Mr G and Timmy. And Timmy being so timid, fled for his life.
I had to go search for him and entice the poor boy back for his breakfast.
I fed Mr G, then shoo-ed him back to his house by sprinkling water on him. Sorry old guy, you have a home but Timmy doesn’t.
So, Timmy came back to eat. Poor fellow, he was so hungry!
Shortly after, with Mr G gone, Starry came peeping…
I decided I would try to catch him and get him neutered. Hopefully, the vet does operations today, being Saturday. I hear neutering (a male cat) is just a 10 minute operation, so I really hope the vet will do it.
Starry was really hungry. He had not come for food lately because of the presence of Mr G.
So I gave Starry some food.
He ate.
Then, I brought the food bowl closer…and closer to the cage. Soon he was very near the cage.
Then, I caught him and carried him into the cage and there he was – caught!
No big deal, I know. Compared to the capture of Mr Quack, this is nothing.
He’s friendly.
The poor boy must have been abandoned as I’d never seen him before until the occupants of that house moved away. That’s when he and Willy started coming for food. By the way, they are both good friends with Daffodil.
After finishing up his food, the poor boy started asking to be let out.
Sigh…this is the hardest part. You can’t tell them your plans (“I’m going to have you neutered so that you won’t go cranky during the mating period and produce lots of unwanted kittens, and you won’t get testicular cancer too, etc.”), yet you know it’s for the greater good and you just have to harden up and do it anyway and hope that they will somehow understand that you mean well. No matter how many times you’ve done it, it doesn’t become any easier. It really takes a toll on your heart…sigh. How I wish there was a way to make them understand, to communicate with them.
And the next part is waiting for the operation to be over and praying that all goes well. That’s not easy either.
Here’s where the 4 Principles of Indian Spirituality helps: (2) Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened. We can only check our intentions and ensure we mean well and that we are doing our best for them. That’s life.
Enough philosophising for the day, back to reality now…
Rosie and Ginger were very concerned. In fact, Ginger stayed by the cage the moment I had Starry caught.
Here’s where animals are one up over us humans. They don’t think so much. They just do. Let’s learn from them and make life easier for ourselves (think less, do more).
I want to come out!!
Daffodil watches. Do you see Mr G behind the wall? He came back to see what was going on.
Timmy, being timid, hung around the pillar.
There’s Mr G.
Starry started scratching on the cloth. He’s nervous, I understand. Poor guy. A few more hours, please.
Indy looks, as always. Indy knows exactly what I am doing…all the time.
I’d say, time and again, Rosie and Ginger are the sweetest siblings I’ve ever seen.
They stayed with Starry.
Poor boy…you’ll be okay, don’t worry.
I hope the vet will agree to do the neutering today.
Ginger has not moved at all. He is keeping Starry company.
Rosie too.
Don’t you just love them?
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