My friend, Mary Yap, has been dropping in regularly these few weeks ever since our latest tshirts arrived. Mary is, by far, our No.1 tshirt-seller! She really goes all out to help us sell to friends and relatives, and I cannot thank her enough. First of all, Mary was also the one who got me Erin's (our designer) contact. So, no Mary, no tshirts. That says it all.
Anyway, Mary was telling me about one of her neighbours by the name of Amy. Amy is a very kind-hearted person. She lives in an apartment but has been fostering dogs and cats. Currently, Amy is trying to capture a few of the cats she is feeding so that they can be brought to our panel vet for spay-neuter.
Mary and Amy feed the stray cats around their apartment building. Sometimes, when the apartment authorities want to capture the cats, Mary would speak to them politely to spare the cats and they would (saying things gently helps, see? there's no need to get angry and be unpleasant).
Amy even feeds other colonies as well, including those at her sister's housing area. She does this every day.
But it is this story that really touched my heart:
Amy rescued an elderly stray female cat recently. Upon bringing to the vet, it was found that the cat was jaundiced (very severe) and could not be saved anymore. She was already dying.
Amy brought the cat home and nursed her until the cat passed away. Mary gave Amy a chanting box so that the cat could listen to some soothing chanting in her last days.
The cat passed away a few days ago, in the loving arms of Amy.
It may be a very simple story, folks, but it speaks volumes about the depth of human kindness. It may be just one cat, but this cat had been so fortunate to have crossed paths with Amy.
So I always tell the folks at my public talks; you may save only one animal all your life. But please don't think it doesn't make a difference. It does.
Maybe we think we cannot change the world by saving just one animal, but we can certainly change the whole world for that one animal that we save.
So, it doesn't have to be about braving nuclear plants or doing bigtime rescue work which many of us don't have the resources to do, it is about doing simple things....simple, but from a big heart and with lots of love.
May the cat be in a better existence now.
May Amy be blessed with all good things in life.
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