I received an email yesterday, from someone who asked if I could give her advice on setting up a dog shelter. Apparently, she had heard that AnimalCare is a shelter.
I'd like to clarify here that AnimalCare has never been and is still not an animal shelter. I also do not foresee us becoming a shelter in the future.
I suppose with so many new people coming into the scene of animal welfare work, it might do well for me to clarify this from time to time. I thought our mission statements are already stated very clearly on the right side of this blog as well as on our banner, but perhaps many people do not read this blog.
According to this person, "everyone" (she has encountered) says AnimalCare is a shelter. Now, that is a misconception that definitely needs to be corrected!
AnimalCare is a charity FUND that helps in the spay-neuter and medical needs of stray animals. Apart from this primary mission, we focus on education and we also extend our help to very needy rescuers (the latest being the fund-raising for Imm and Meiji, and the animals in Japan, for eg.).
Since we are very small, the scope of the help we can provide depends totally on our resources.
For the past two years, we have done the following:
1. Provided free spay-neuter for stray animals. 2. Sponsored/subsidised medical treatments/surgeries for stray animals. 3. Publicised rescued animals for rehoming and those who need fostering. 4. I personally give talks on kindness to animals. I also have free books that are distributed to the public. This blog serves as a platform for creating awareness. 5. Extended help to needy rescuers and needy cases. 6. We have taken out dogs from the Klang and Selayang pounds, but we cannot do this anymore now as we have no place to house these animals.
As you can see from the above, "animal shelter" is not on the list at all.
We have never been an animal shelter and we still are not one.
We are also NOT rescuers as we do not have the skills, expertise or equipment to do proper rescue work.
I hope this clarifies our mission.
I've always believed that one person can do so little but together we can do so much more. So if each of us do what we do best in and we work together in a like-minded frame of reference (ie. for the benefit and wellbeing of the animals), we can achieve more.
AnimalCare is doing what it can: 1. Free spay-neuter. 2. Subsidise medical treatment. 3. Publicising animals for adoption. 4. Helping needy rescuers. 5. Education.
Thank you.
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