A Report From Soi Dog, Thailand
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From John Dalley:
I am writing today to update you onthe campaign to end the illegal trade of live dogs from Thailand toVietnam as well as the situation at the Livestock centers where dogs rescued from the illegal dog meat trade are being sheltered.
How far weve come! Because of your support no reports of dogs crossing the Mekong River over the last 3 months and more dogs have been saved over the last 17 months than in the preceding 15 years!
Over the past few months Soi Dog has financed a growing network of investigators both in Thailand and importantly in Laos in order to block attempts to smuggle dogs across the Mekong River en route to Vietnam. The smugglers prepare to receive the dogs in Laos in advance and with this information we can advise the Thai authorities of pending operations. This has proved very successfuland no reports of dogs from Thailand arriving in Laos have been received for the past 3 months.The downside is that evidence suggests that the Vietnamese buyers are now increasing their operations in Laos itself to source dogs.
To bring an end to the entire trade in the region, Soi Dog has formed a regional alliance comprising Soi Dog, Humane Society International, Animals Asia Foundation and Change For Animals Foundation to work with the governments of Vietnam, Laos and Thailand and to host a conference with the relevant ministries from these three countries.
While it is the unbelievable cruelty associated with the trade that shocks people, we believe that to bring the necessary changes in the region, it is the danger of rabies to the human population which gives the best chance of success in terms of motivating governments to end the trade. The transport of unvaccinated dogs has been proven to be a significant cause of the spread of rabies in the region. All the countries in South East Asia have pledged to eradicate rabies by the year 2020 and by allowing the trade to continue are exacerbating the problem. We already have ample evidence of large numbers of the dogs involved being infected with rabies.
For the dogs that have been rescued and housed in livestock centers their future remains perilous. Last week I met with Dr. Sorasithsuksakul, the head of Thailands Department of Quarantine and Animal Movement who has overall responsibility for the livestock centers in Thailand.
Dr. Sorasithsuksakul advised that 300 dogs held in the province of Nakhon Phanom must be moved soon to a livestock department shelter farther south at Buriram. The provincial government of Nakhon Phanom is running out of funds for the care of these dogs. A temporary shelter is being hastily constructed to house them. Previous plans to move dogs from another overcrowded livestock department shelter at Khemmarat are on hold as a result.
Dr. Sorasithsuksakul also reiterated that the department of livestock has no budget to supply dog food in the quantities that Soi Dog is currently supplying. This means that Soi Dog will have to look to supply additional food for the 300 dogs at Buriramin addition to the approximately 2,000 Soi Dog is currently providing food for.
With food prices rising significantly the sheer cost of just providing sufficient food is growing and it is impossible for Soi Dog to continue to finance this without your urgently needed support.Your monthly donation of $30will save 4 dogs from starving!
Why is sterilizing these dogs important? A situation where puppies like Sea Lion are conceived and born in these centers is plainly crazy. Sea Lion was born with deformities probably because of his mothers poor health. Sea Lion is an extremely lucky puppy, having been adopted by Australian Soi Dog volunteer Ellie Harris and currently being fostered in the USA thanks to the intervention of Arthur E Benjamin, the founder of American Dog Rescue. Arthur himself is sending Sea Lion to a specialist to see if his malformed rear legs can be fully repaired.
Other dogs have been adopted but they are the few fortunate ones. The vast majority continue to live from day to day with little hope of any long term future outside of the shelters. The reality is that these innocent dogs have escaped one hell to arrive in another. Please help today to provide them with a better life, free from disease and hunger.
Do please help Soi Dog in whatever ways you can.
Please eat less meat too and encourage others to do the same. While we shudder at the thought of people in other regions who have no qualms about eating dog and cat, what about those who eat chicken, goat, cow, pig, deer, rabbit and other animals? Isn’t it the same horrendous agonising suffering that all these animals have to go through?
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/01/25/a-report-from-soi-dog-thailand/
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