Some updates on Ginger. She seemed to had gotten a better appetite today, eating a little bit more. Am feeding her 3 meals a day (like us humans) with some dry food in her bowl leftover for whenever she wants to eat. My friend suggested that I add some vegetable oil to her dry food so that it will be softer for her to eat, will get some wet food for her when I get the chance.
The vet suggested that I apply baby oil to her ears right? Should I rub on other infected areas as well such as her legs and tail? A friend of mine (yes I asked a lot of friends with cats for advices!) suggested that I could use vegetable oils as well. Vegetable oils sounds safer just in case she licks herself. (is baby oil edible anyway?) But I'm scared that she may become oily and dirty. Need some advice please! D:
This is definitely a learning experience for me.
Thanks, Alex
Alex is a young lady and this is her first experience in caring for a stray cat, and one with severe mange too. She's doing an excellent job!