I've long known about what they do to sharks to get their fins, but have never actually watched a video on it.
My daughter, Ming-Yi, sent me this last night: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaZjmT8mHbU&feature=share Warning: She says it's extremely disturbing, so it's not for the weak-hearted. I don't dare watch. I might not be able to function for the whole day. And I have already read about it before. As I've just written last night, whether it's the shark, pig, cow, goat, chicken, duck or other animals, they end up on our dinner table because we want to eat them. So, I always tell people who want to have a feast to celebrate whatever occasions they wish, PLEASE order veggie. When one invites hundreds of guests to a banquet, how many animals have to be specially slaughtered to serve them? For the newly-weds, surely you won't want to start off your married life by causing so many lives to be killed, right? By the way, going "veggie" is about eating vegetables. It's not about eating mock duck, mock chicken, mock mutton curry, mock fish, mock egg, etc. It isn't about eating "mock animals". And certainly not about saying how much the mock animals taste like the real meat. It is about eating vegetables, at least six varieties of varied colours.
Disclaimer: I am not a dietician or a nutritionist, so please consult a professional if you require research-based information on nutrition.
Meanwhile, here's some slides from my public talks.
I suppose the best question or comment I've ever received in my talks on kindness to animals was one that was given by a young boy. I had asked for a show of hands as to who considers himself/herself an animal-lover.
This boy raised this hand and said, "I have always thought I was an animal-lover, but now, I don't dare call myself one anymore. How can I when I still eat animals?"
He made a strong point there.
Trust children...they always know.
They see things that we adults sometimes don't see, because we choose not to see.
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