One of our panel vets called me this afternoon. A lady by the name of Lillian had brought a mother-cat and 3 kittens to the clinic, asking for help in spaying the mother-cat and getting the kittens adopted.
I said we'll pay for the spaying of the mother if the vet feels she is fit enough to be spayed.
Apparently, someone had dumped the poor mother and her 3 kittens in front of Lillian's house.
The mother-cat.
She is practically skin and bones. Poor thing. I could see her skeletal frame. She is so malnourished and extremely thin. The vet said this wasn't surprising since she has been nursing her three kittens and lives as a stray without proper nutrition.
A small V-notch on the left ear to indicate she has been spayed. The vet said one of his clients once brought in a cat from Dubai and over there, they do a huge V-notch. That is the practice in Dubai and everyone accepts it since it is for the safety of the animal. It is always easier when people understand the purpose and can see beyond skin-deep beauty.
The mother-cat was quite restless and still a little nervous. The vet decided to sedate her and spay her immediately upon being brought to the clinic as she was already very stressed.
These are her 3 kittens, now kept in a separate cage right beside her so that she can still see them, but they don't have to be nursed anymore. The vet says they are beautiful and he will try to look for homes for them. Now, they have a bit of flu and sore-eyes, but should recover very soon.
If you'd like to adopt these kittens, please call 03-56377026.
The vet has so graciously offered to look after the mother-cat until she is in better health. She certainly needs all the tender-loving care she can get. The whole family is also infested with fleas. The vet will frontline them tomorrow.
The mother-cat's spaying is sponsored from our funds.
Support CNRM, please.
Don't let this happen to another cat and her kittens.
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