After much difficulty, the injured dog was finally brought to our Klang clinic today.
Mandy writes:
Joanne brought the injured dog to the vet this evening. According to the vet, the dog has spinal injury and has advised us to put it to sleep. I told him, we don't practice that and he has to try his best to provide med and treatment for the dog.
So he has given her two jabs, some painkillers, antibiotics, and antiseptic cream to be applied to the wound. Now, Joanne has to bring the dog back and nurse her, she plans to cage her and feed her daily (hopefully she eats the medications). We have no choice but to wait if she will get better on her own.
Otherwise, we would have to think of our next course of action, maybe sending her to a hospital. I've handled a case by MDDB before and the vet suspected it was also spinal injury but when sent to the hospital, they did some surgery and healed him. So maybe we'll just have to wait and see for now.
Btw, Joanne will pick up the carriers from my place and we'll try to spay the pups next. I've suggested that Joanne consult Dr Susanna Brida on the possibility of administering acupuncture treatment on the dog.
Will wait for updates to see if Joanne is agreeable on this.
Today's medical for the dog is sponsored from our funds.