I have been informed that there has been some unpleasant exchanges going on in the animal welfare circle for some time on facebook and some other social networking websites lately.
I wish to state unreservedly that AnimalCare does NOT have a facebook account nor a twitter account. We used to have a facebook that was managed by my daughter and a twitter managed by CP, our friend. But both accounts have been deactivated now since they have not been active for a long time. I have no time to facebook or twitter!
Everything that AnimalCare does, is always, first and foremost, reported and documented in this blog. And only in this blog and nowhere else.
Previously, sometime last year, our name "AnimalCare" was used by another group to promote spaying-neutering, but they spay pregnant animals and actually promote it. The article was published in a Chinese newspaper where our name was mentioned and the entire contents of our brochure was reproduced and the word "CNRM" was used. I contacted the newspaper, Sin Chew Jit Poh, for a retraction and the reporter promised me one, but as always, it was not done. I insisted upon it for one month, but she never kept her word.
For newcomers to this blog, we provide free spaying-neutering for stray and rescued animals but we absolutely do NOT sponsor the spaying of any pregnant animal nor do we support it at all.
I understand other groups do it, but we don't. And it has also been brought to my attention yesterday, that another group has been using our name "AnimalCare" to promote spaying-neutering, and again, they promote the spaying of pregnant animals. Please note that whatever that is not reported in this blog cannot possibly be any of our activities.
Everything that we do is reported in this blog.
If you have been a follower of this blog, I think you know what we promote and what we do. So, if you read or hear of anything that does not sound like our work, but our name is mentioned, could you kindly inform me please?
Thanks for your help.
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