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Sunday, 24th Apr 2011, by AnimalCare

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Nandhini and I arrived sharp at 10am to set up our booth and we found that we were the only NGO there!  Andy Koh, of Petfinder.my, the organiser of the event, was already busy with all the technical details. 

Coincidentally, PC Leong and his family was parked right next to us, so he helped us carry some of our stuff to the booth.  Thanks, PC. It was PC's first visit to Sunway Pyramid.  

Pravinn, our longtime and ever-reliable volunteer, arrived soon and we went about setting up our booth.

Here's Nandhini at our booth.  By 11am, we were all ready to go!

Our books for FREE distribution - Pawprints, Indy Jones and Rainbow Bridge.  The "eat less meat" book is not written by me, but by a matsalleh monk who used to be a meat-eater and is now a 90% vegetarian.  He writes from a very realistic angle and I think it's a wonderful book for those who wish to eat less meat.  The loveusnoteatus car decals and stickers are from my friend, TY Lee, of loveusnoteatus.com.  All this stuff is free!

Many people couldn't'believe that these books and stuff were free.  They stared at us in disbelief.  Free?  Yes, it's free.  Take one, please, and please pass it on to a friend after you've read it. 

Our statistics board (the black one).

Our storyboard, which was the main attraction of the entire booth - the power of visuals.  I had prepared three powerpoint shows of our work, but somehow nobody wanted to look at a computer screen!  So I'm not playing that anymore today. 

The other NGOs had still not arrived yet. 

Soon, they did, and the crowd started coming in.  It was really good explaining what we do and the services we provide to the visitors.  Many people had not heard about our work and could not believe there is FREE spay-neuter.  Yes, it's free, but we welcome any donation back into our fund, and everyone nodded saying, "yes, of course...that's only fair".  I'm so glad we managed to bring this awareness of the need to spay-neuter to many visitors and also kindness to animal in general, and they were all keen to use our services. 

Our tshirts went like hot cakes!!  Thank you to everyone who purchased them.  We sold a total of 79 tshirts yesterday!  Our Gold design is almost sold out!  We only have six pieces left of this design for today.  But we'll take mail orders.  I noticed men still preferred the Gold design.  We have a fresh order coming in soon, in two weeks' time. 

Andy Koh, the one who made it all possible. 
What a wonderful and magnanimous person!!

It's Petfinder.my's 3rd birthday, and we all rejoice in the good work that they have done for animals.  Andy said petfinder.my has rehomed more than 6000 animals ever since it started.  Wow, what a remarkable achievement! 

We've helped 942 animals ever since we started...but that's on free spay-neuter and subsidised medical treatment plus rehoming through the blog. 

Happy Birthday, Petfinder.my!!
May you live a long, long life so that more animals will benefit from your generous heart!

Our volunteers: Mary, Cathy, Amy, Mandy and Pravinn (partially hidden, he's always so shy).  Nandhini had work and wasn't feeling well, so she left earlier.  It was Nandhini and Pravinn who helped me do all the preliminary work, especially in labelling the tshirts, which only arrived at 11.00am today!!  Amy has been voted as our top saleslady of the tshirts.  Mary, Mandy and Cathy - thanks for managing the entire sales process. 

By the end of the day, my voice was as hoarse as could be and I had to get "leong-char" to drink.  It was the music - it was so loud and we were so near the speakers. 

We're going to have another ball today....come visit us at our booth.  This is about the most successful animal event I've ever participated in. 

Kudos to Andy and his team for their remarkable organising skills and their heart to do this for us, the seven NGOs!  What a great way to celebrate a birthday - to give something back to the community!

It's all about giving back...generously!  That's the best way to celebrate any occasion. 

Sunway Pyramid, LG2, beside Harvey Norman's. 
See you soon!

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