I wrote to the ADUN of Subang Jaya, YB Hannah Yeoh, for help over Jackie, the Melaka kitten, trapped in an unoccupied shoplot. Mr Rajiv and Mr Ram (YB's husband) had both been very helpful.
Here's Mr Ram's replies:
Dear Catherina,
I'm glad that your kitten is safe and sound now.
Hannah is checking with our local council over here, MPSJ on which party has the rightful authority to enter such a premise in those circumstances. I will update you and the rest copied in this email too once we find out. Such info will help us all when faced with similar situations in the future.
Warm regards, Ram Dear Catherina, Kah Yein,
Hannah has checked with MPSJ. Apparently, the local council will have to issue a written notice to the owner of the premise and then work with the police in order to break the locks and enter the premise. MPSJ has done this before for the purpose of entering premises to combat Aedes mosquitoes. They have not had experience in saving pets that are trapped. But process in handling the case should be similar.
Regards, Ram
We want to thank YB Hannah and Mr Ram very much for going out of their way to help us with this kitten case. At least we now know where to source for help should there be another case.